Archived My only hearing aid just quit working on me and I have no idea what to do.

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Jul 24, 2016
I'm a cashier doing full time(lol it sounds as bad as it does) and I'm hearing inclined so that means I need to wear hearing aids. I have two hearing aids, one crapped out long before, but my only working one just quit on me.

Without my hearing aid, I can't help but feel blind and empty without my sense of hearing. I can't call in because I have work in an hour.
I don't know what state you live in so it's possible that your DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) won't help because they are on order of selection (the people with major disabilities get served first, everyone else has to wait) but DVR does help people with hearing loss (and any disability) maintain their job.
Look up the closest location in your area and go to the orientation to become a client.
Bring your audiogram and let them know that you just need the hearing aids to maintain employment.
If they have the funding, they should be able to help.

PM me if you have any questions you don't want to share on the open forum.
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Commiecorvus is giving great advice...have experience with them and most VRs have special funding to help people who already have employment and need something simple pretty quickly.(Its an easy successful closure and they like those!) Depending on where you are you should be able to do your orientation & prelim at the same time, because they generally like to see hearing impaired clients face to face instead of the usual group orientation. There is more than likely another disability agency through your state as well and they generally have funding to help people with disabilities that need something to maintain their employment. Also available for questions regarding this.
I'm in a rut. I was able to schedule an appointment for tomorrow at 2pm. Problem is... nobody wants to work for me. I figured people wouldn't wanna work my 8 hour shift so I asked again right after if they wanted to do half of my shift or work the rest of my shift from 12:30-5:00pm.

Absolutely no one wanted to take it. The people that told me they had morning things to do followed up the half day mention with "Oh wait sorry I'm busy during the day too." like come on people take the damn money I'm supposed to earn. I'm working every single day until Tuesday next week and they're all shifts during the day and the offices I got an appointment set up at are either closed Sundays or close within margins of me getting off work. I talked to my GSTL and told me the simple "Find someone to take your shift" and I leveled saying no one's gonna wanna take an 8 hour shift and he just shrugged and told me I might get lucky.

I'm gonna have to talk again tomorrow with the opener and level with HR and/or ETL and see if I can't work something out. I can't go in to get a Dr's note because all of my shifts this week are literally something like 1-9:30pm and 8:00-4:30 shifts. My only hope I think lies within the a great amount of luck I probably won't get and be able to get off work to go get a pair of hearing aids to use until I get new ones. Chances are if I can't get get my hearing back I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and just do the job I was scheduled to do, because I highly doubt they're gonna wanna call people in and constantly have back ups to the check lanes(or at least I feel like the back ups were because they didn't want me cashiering)

The next appointment this office is available is October 22nd. :( Hopefully someone hear's my case and is willing to let me go. I fear if this goes on for too long I'm gonna get the boot.
If no one will pick up your shift, call out at least 2 hrs before your shift.
The next appointment this office is available is October 22nd. :( Hopefully someone hear's my case and is willing to let me go. I fear if this goes on for too long I'm gonna get the boot.

Request accommodation for leave under the "Americans with Disabilities Act." Your hearing issues may qualify you for reasonable accommodation under the act. Since you need your hearing aid to properly complete your work, Target should give you a day off (or two) as a way to accommodate your disability.

More information here:
Accommodation Ideas

Employer-Provided Leave and the Americans with Disabilities Act
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