Archived Netbooks and tablets

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I was kinda wondering that too. I was telling my ETL and TL that it wouldnt be hard to set it so nobody could "hack it"
Not powered. The idjits can't be bothered to set them up to keep people from going to 'inappropriate sites'. Gotta love it, spend all that money to send working models then not invest in the basic software to run them cleanly.
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The Xoom at my store is powered up and fully functional. I messed around with it myself a little bit.
The Xoom at my store is powered up and fully functional. I messed around with it myself a little bit.

According to an AP memo the Xoom's are not to be powered "until further notice".

We talked about this on the other board, apparently there is a certain way to hack out of the looping demo, though the average user isn't going to know how. According to the memo they are to be non-powered till a solution is figured out or something.

The Acer on the other hand IS powered, and I made sure that ours has a password that only the electronics and AP TM's know. So when a guest wants to look at it, they have to ask us and then we stand there with them while they test it out.
According to an AP memo the Xoom's are not to be powered "until further notice".

We talked about this on the other board, apparently there is a certain way to hack out of the looping demo, though the average user isn't going to know how. According to the memo they are to be non-powered till a solution is figured out or something.

The Acer on the other hand IS powered, and I made sure that ours has a password that only the electronics and AP TM's know. So when a guest wants to look at it, they have to ask us and then we stand there with them while they test it out.

Hmm, interesting. I'll have to let my team know about that. Our Xoom display never had a demo loop. From the beginning you could do whatever you wanted on it. So far we haven't had any instances of inappropriate content cropping up.

And our Acer plays a demo loop that constantly freezes. We used to restart it, but it happens so often that we don't bother anymore. But we have a plastic cover over the screen that prevents guests from messing with it. Yours is an interactive display?
Hmm, interesting. I'll have to let my team know about that. Our Xoom display never had a demo loop. From the beginning you could do whatever you wanted on it. So far we haven't had any instances of inappropriate content cropping up.

And our Acer plays a demo loop that constantly freezes. We used to restart it, but it happens so often that we don't bother anymore. But we have a plastic cover over the screen that prevents guests from messing with it. Yours is an interactive display?

Yeah our Xoom has a demo mode that cannot be gotten out of by normal means. The other electronics TM's and my self played around with it, and could do nothing more than play around in the demo environment.

The Acer on the other hand is a fully functional tablet where you can play around with the actual Android OS. It has a screensaver loop that comes on, but then when you tap the screen it will bring up the password we put on it. Our acer doesn't freeze, but for some reason it will go into sleep mode most of the time before it goes into screensaver mode.

As far as inappropriate content, we don't really have to worry too much as our store has no wi-fi to connect to in the first place.
Yeah our Xoom has a demo mode that cannot be gotten out of by normal means. The other electronics TM's and my self played around with it, and could do nothing more than play around in the demo environment.

The Acer on the other hand is a fully functional tablet where you can play around with the actual Android OS. It has a screensaver loop that comes on, but then when you tap the screen it will bring up the password we put on it. Our acer doesn't freeze, but for some reason it will go into sleep mode most of the time before it goes into screensaver mode.

As far as inappropriate content, we don't really have to worry too much as our store has no wi-fi to connect to in the first place.
They were concerned that people would use their cell phones to create hot spots and then upload junk onto the tablets which is kind of like worrying about your car insurance when you are doing 200MPH down the freeway on-ramp, it's important but it's just not going to impact anything right now.
I wonder why they dont just have active demo units (with a loud ass alarm). Are the cameras still live demos?
I wonder why they dont just have active demo units (with a loud ass alarm). Are the cameras still live demos?

Yea, and if you work at my store you can have fun with the one alarm that is overly sensitive and goes off almost everytime a guest grabs a camera from it!!
In General the iPad is beating all the android and web OS tablets out there. Mostly in price, ease of use and the number one reason: apps.

As for the typical Target consumer I'm not sure. I still don't get how they come up with the 35 year old or what ever. Just like Nelisen TV. How do they know its 18-25 year olds watching that show?
In General the iPad is beating all the android and web OS tablets out there. Mostly in price, ease of use and the number one reason: apps.

Actually it would seem it's mostly price that is killing it. I've only sold maybe 3 of the Acer tablets and none of the Xoom tablets since we started carrying them. People don't see enough of a difference when they are that similar in price, so they just stick with what they know.

The reason the Android OS is making a killing in the phone market is because there are more phones to choose from and they are cheaper to get. If the manufacturers would just sell at a lower price it might be a similar story with the tablets.
Our Motorola tablet display worked on and off... until someone stole it recently.

How'd they manage that one? Short of picking the lock, that display is pretty well secured as long as your SFT and Signing TM set it up correctly.
Our Motorola tablet display worked on and off... until someone stole it recently.

Please be careful not to reveal too many store-specific details: just a head's up.
How'd they manage that one? Short of picking the lock, that display is pretty well secured as long as your SFT and Signing TM set it up correctly.

That's if it was locked down right in the first place. I set up the display then handed off the lock down part to the SFT, he announced it was finished and I assumed he knew what he was doing ...
about 15 minutes later a guest walked up with the tablet in his hand. Good thing he was honest. It's locked down now but that was a scary few minutes I'll tell you.
Our Motorola tablet display worked on and off... until someone stole it recently.

How'd they manage that one? Short of picking the lock, that display is pretty well secured as long as your SFT and Signing TM set it up correctly.

There was actually a memo sent out about the proper way of locking it down. Our SFT first set the tablets up, but then our TPS TM came over a day later with a memo about double checking to make sure they were properly locked down because there IS a way to get them out of their holders if not properly locked down.

I would advise everyone to get with your AP TM's on the issue.
There was actually a memo sent out about the proper way of locking it down. Our SFT first set the tablets up, but then our TPS TM came over a day later with a memo about double checking to make sure they were properly locked down because there IS a way to get them out of their holders if not properly locked down.

I would advise everyone to get with your AP TM's on the issue.

Yeah, that went out as an Urgent News for the LODs to follow up on after it went to the SFTs. I already had them secured anyways since I don't just follow the basic directions for displays, I set them up and test them as if I was a guest to see how they hold up and change things as needed.
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