Archived New Attachment Rating Threshhold! (Everybody's going red)

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Electronics Man

Electronics Team Member
Jun 14, 2011
My TL just showed us a new booklet explaining the new attachment ratings for Electronics. Apparently corporate thinks everybody is doing so well that they are going to raise the threshhold. I don't remember the specifics, but a store that has a 60% or less rating is now RED. In order to be GREEN you have to have a 75% or greater.

This new system is being implemented next week!

So store's like mine that have traditionally been green with ratings 56% to 60% are going to automatically be in the red overnight.

On the bright side though devices like iPads and eReaders will now count toward the ratings. I thought they already did but I guess not, which makes sense because I am very good at attachments for those and have not seen our scores go up any with their sales. I am fairly decent with iPads, and very good with eReaders.

So how will this affect your store?
Well, after I beat the Verizon employees to death soon due to their complete idiocy of sending people over to get cheap phones to replace and handing out discounted attachments to keep them on their plans, it should be going up.
meh. we'll learn how to get to 75 consistently and then they'll raise it to 80. just like conversion rates going up.

last year, we have attachments listed as an opportunity on our reviews because we were green YTD, but dipped down into red a couple of weeks during the year. they'll find any number to justify their scores, so i'm not sweatin' it.
I'm pretty much the only one keeping the rate between 50 and 60 as is. I'm pretty disappointed because this means we will now be red and there's nothing else i can do about it. My personal rate hovers between 100-200 percent right now and I can't go any higher. We will need to replace some tms with better help to reach that goal.
This is insane.

Looks like corporate want us to sell many itunes cards to resellers with rainchecks.

Fine by me.
Maybe my store will have a new policy for resellers....1 $15 itunes card per iPad or $10 minute card per phone. Just sayin. They'll either like it or not. Either way, it helps the attachment rate!

Not that I should be giving attachment advice, because as I have said in the past, we roll in the low 40's. HOWEVER, there is good news that comes with our new rate. We are going to have more items that are attachable and perhaps more attachable items. Many have noticed that certain items are becoming harder and harder to get attachments on. Some printers have printer cables. Many people own multiple HDMI cables. Etc, Etc. The new attachable items should keep the green stores green.....after a short learning

Also IMO...portable DVD players need to be an attachable item. We sell the snot out of them. It is probably the easiest item in the electronics department to get an "attachment."
This insane! 60% is a GREAT week for us. We have NEVER been above 65%, much less 70%!

Unless they change how we are graded for attachments, I'm afraid 70% is a very unattainable goal for most stores.
Maybe my store will have a new policy for resellers....1 $15 itunes card per iPad or $10 minute card per phone. Just sayin. They'll either like it or not. Either way, it helps the attachment rate!

Not that I should be giving attachment advice, because as I have said in the past, we roll in the low 40's. HOWEVER, there is good news that comes with our new rate. We are going to have more items that are attachable and perhaps more attachable items. Many have noticed that certain items are becoming harder and harder to get attachments on. Some printers have printer cables. Many people own multiple HDMI cables. Etc, Etc. The new attachable items should keep the green stores green.....after a short learning

Also IMO...portable DVD players need to be an attachable item. We sell the snot out of them. It is probably the easiest item in the electronics department to get an "attachment."

As much as I like to see this happen, forcing resellers to purchase an attach item in order to use there tax exempt seems prejudice, I don't want to get sued for that.
With the new categories for merch like kindles and iPads, test stores have increased their scores like crazy with the new reporting metrics. They had to raise the scores or we would all be green. Everything we've been asking for with AAR is about to happen. Be happy. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a kindle sale with 4 attachments, only to be pissed afterward because it doesn't count for AAR, but the GPS stuff does...
I heard yesterday that 75 is a mistake and it's really only 55 to be green. I haven't seen any actual communication about it yet but my etl said one of the stl's in our district has.
55% to be Green! This is a fact. I read the communication today with my own 4 eyes. We may need to change the name of the board to "Spots rumor mill". iPad and ereaders are now attachable. The service plan rate jumped to 13.something%. Nearly double. Wow.
I read the communication in executive news, it was 75%. So it has to be a big mistake for that kind of miscommunication.
Yeah News to Use said 75%. Maybe after it was published, the change to 55 was made?
As much as I like to see this happen, forcing resellers to purchase an attach item in order to use there tax exempt seems prejudice, I don't want to get sued for that.

We already do this at my store. For every item a reseller buys, they must purchase one accessory for that item. Unfortunately, because of this, resellers tend not to come to our store anymore, and instead frequent stores that don't inforce this policy. But the other stores' scores will go down, and they'll start our practice, too. It's why we started doing it in the first place.
We discussed the reseller thing yesterday. I brought up the idea of making them purchase an attachment with their purchases. My STL was onboard. We already limit there quantities, so why not put another restriction on there purchases? We either get the sale and it helps our rate OR we don't get the sale and helps our rate. It's win win. After all they........are direct competition.
It's definitely 55 as the new threshold for green, It was a mis-communication in NTU- Merchandise update clarified it this week.
Would anyone on the board be willing to put together a list of items and their attachments? Maybe on the guides or something? I know that is a big project, but it would help me out a lot and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would benefit. I hate being useless back there when I have to cover a break or something. I am going to try to take the electronics champion training, but who knows when they'll find the time for me to do that?

If anyone if willing, I would be very grateful!
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