Archived New Backroom Day start tomorow

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Oct 9, 2015
Hey everyone,
Had my orientation today, was hired as "backroom day" and start at 4am tomorrow, until 12noon. Just wondering what the hours are, this seems more 'night' to me but I'm fine either way. Tomorrow I'll get a more full schedule so will know more then and of course, can ask, but am extremely curious at this point what I'm in for regarding hours. I assumed 'day' meant open daytime hours but I know what assuming does ha. Thinking maybe this is just for training since store is maybe not so busy during that time? Anyway, happy to be here, a little scared after reading some of the unhappy stories about working at Target but my store seems pretty good and so far everyone has been super nice.
You will likely stay around those hours, especially during fourth quarter. Do not be surprised if you even start at 3 the closer we get to Christmas.

Several logistics processes that need to be finished as quick as possible begin hours before the store opens.
hey, at my store a lot of the times they train people during the the 4am-9am shift because that is when our backroom team lead works, so he can oversee how you are training. i actually just got word that we aren't even hiring seasonal people for backroom, all for flow, and then we are hand picking the ones that seem capable of doing the backroom haha. but back to the point, you may or may not get switched to dayside. if you are truly wanting to know, i would just ask.
Thanks. Either way I'll be happy just to have the job, and am starting at pretty good wage. I'll ask tomorrow, just definitely gonna be harder if it's a 4am shift. Title is Backroom Day so guess we'll see.
for 4am shifts just be ready to get in there at 3:55 preferably, and get to work at four. you'll be pulling autopulls for a few hours, then backstocking everything off the truck for the remainder of your shift. just remember to move fast, and you'll get the hang of it. also hope you're able to climb ladders a lot and carry heavy things up and down said ladders haha.
I'm ready! Had spinal fusion surgery a year ago, all healed and stronger than ever. Graduated and been looking for work so I'm happy to start, no matter what time!
you should be good to go then. welcome to spot! also when backstocking... just make sure to backstock in the right fill groups. haha
i know you probably don't know what this means just yet, but you will tomorrow.
If you're 4am you not Backroom day. Your on the flow team. Chances are they used a Flow TM to fill the Backroom spot and you'll take their spot.
Weird, they wrote backroom day on the schedule they gave me today for tomorrow. Maybe I'll get lucky and it's just for training these 4am hours!
ASANTS. However, at my store the backroom team comes in with the flow team ( we are a 6 am store). However, when my store refers to backroom day it refers to the team member who comes in around 11 to do the cafs. Welcome, to the team!
When you say 6am store, do you mean opening? My store opens at 8.
Welcome to the backroom! I would argue the early morning backroom shift is an ideal shift to start training. It gives the trainer (and yourself) time to learn the basics about the backroom and Target before the timed stuff (scheduled CAFs) start to drop. When I had to train a BR TM I had to pretty much throw him into the CAFs immediately.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I guess I'll find out for sure soon enough and I'm guessing we're a 4 am store ;)
Looks like it's 2 weeks of 4am for training, then day hours. Working 4-8am next week, hoping I get more hours once I'm trained. They teased me with a full day the first day lol
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