Archived New Hire - Problems with my TL - Any Advice?

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Nov 4, 2013
Hello everyone, I'm a new hire in need of some advice. I was hired in Food Avenue, but I am also given cashier shifts. Whenever I work as a cashier, I get along extremely well with everyone and I truly love going to work. However, I have had nothing but problems with my Food Ave TL. She is the most critical person I have ever met in my life, and I'm 55 years old. She talks to me like a child. I have tried to hold my tongue, but it has gotten worse. I barely got any training and was thrown to the wolves. She taught me how to open Food Avenue one time, and for the first month I closed. She finally scheduled me to open, but it was a month after I trained to open. I thought I did okay and the other Food Ave team member thought I did good, but she came in and verbally unleashed on me, telling me how terrible I did and was telling me I was too slow. In one month, she has put me into tears twice. She makes me feel so small. I can't quit! I absolutely need this job. The problem is, I just don't know how to go about this. I feel like I cannot work with her anymore because of the way she treats me. She can be verbally abusive. However, I'm afraid to go to my HR or STL. After all, I'm still within my 90 days. I don't want to get the reputation as a "troublemaker" within that 90 day period. I'm afraid to request moving to cashier full time because I've only been there for a month. To make matters worse, I admit I can be a bit slow. Food Avenue can be a physical job, especially because I work at a high volume store and am closing all by myself. I've had 6 foot surgeries, a back surgery, a shoulder surgery, a hip surgery, and have stents in my heart. I walk with a permanent limp. I move as fast as I can. But it's to the point that whenever I know I have to work with her I psyche myself out because I get so nervous. I actually got sick the other morning before I went in. That's how much this is effecting me. I'm afraid to say anything about my disability because she already said, "If you can't physically do the job we'll just have to let you go". Isn't that discrimination? I just don't know what to do. :-(
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First of all, welcome to Target and The Break Room!

I'm sorry to hear that your Food Ave TL is, witch with a B. If she's continually giving you problems, go to HR. Also, if cashiering is better on your body than working in Food Ave, by all means, switch!
Lets start with don't let yourself get freaked out.
It's not worth it for your health, for your life, this person is not worth it.
They can't control you that way.
The minute they start being abusive to you, ask them to stop.
Explain that you want to do the job well and that you want only to respect them but requires they respect you as well.
You have every right to be treated as an adult.
If they have a problem with this, you have the right to go to HR, it doesn't matter that it's before your 90 days.
Am I being over optimistic?
Maybe, but you know what, they don't have the right to treat another human being like crap and if they do you shouldn't have to be trapped in that position.
Fight back and don't let them.

And welcome to The Break Room.
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I agree with Commie, don't let your health be even more affected by your job. It's really not worth it.
If your Team Leader is treating you like dirt you need to go to HR and talk to them, there may be a trend that they could already be aware of and are trying to address.
As far as physically being able to do the job, that may be a little different. You were asked several times before you were hired if you were able to perform your required core roles. I understand that you really need your job and that you might not have realized the scope of what you were getting into. They can't officially change your work center while you are under your 90 days, but I see no reason why they wouldn't let you cashier if you are effective on the front end. Your team lead should have said "If you can't physically do the job, let's try to see if we can find a better fit for you."
I used to work food service and the one thing I took away from that job is learning routines to work smarter, and not harder. Your troubles closing could be due to the fact that the team who was there before you left you a mess of dishes to do because they were BSing around all day. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT LET YOUR TEAM LEAD TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT!
Welcome to The Break Room.
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