Archived New PDAs...

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Deli Ninja

Formerly Softlines Ninja (Now in Deli Flavor)!
Oct 2, 2012
Has anyone else been having issues with the new PDAs sometimes typing random letters while you're typing in numbers? A couple of times now, I've had a new PDA make it impossible to do rewrap because I couldn't get the DPCI typed in or I couldn't even get to the appropriate app.
I know the LPDAs will do that if you accidentally hit the yellow alpha button, but I haven't heard of anything like that with the new PDAs yet.
Has anyone else been having issues with the new PDAs sometimes typing random letters while you're typing in numbers? A couple of times now, I've had a new PDA make it impossible to do rewrap because I couldn't get the DPCI typed in or I couldn't even get to the appropriate app.

This has been a documented and known issue that has occurred recently. Suspect it has to be with the actual RFAPP's application itself, and only on the 9200's as it has been unrepeatable with the 9090's and 9060's. Also the 'Enter' input will also become stuck and repeatedly spam 'Enter' over and over. Patches sadly won't be available until 2014 as stores have just gone dark and are off-limits now until 4th quarter ends.
This happened with my 9200 a few times tonight. And all but one time, I was in Item Search rather than RF Apps.
Today I get to play around with the new units. I can only wonder how long it will take people to peel away the rubber and break the damned things.
We have some of the new ones and they are nice but for one major problem. They seem to drain the battery really fast. I've had to change batteries on most that I've had and one night changed it twice! We do have one of the new ones that seems to last like it should.
ahh to have new PDA's. Ours are old and horrible - as are the walkies!
Most of our PDAs were replaced this month and some do the same spaz out thing. It's like they're possessed. *hit one key* PEW PEW PEW PEW!
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