Archived New position

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Jun 29, 2012
I'm new at Target, just finishing up on my 4th month as a cashier. Today I got called in to talk to the ETL and I'm a bit confused yet excited about what she spoke about. I'm not to familiar with the responsibilities of a GS, GSA GSTL, I just understand who is of higher authority between TM in my store. We talked about if I was interested in more responsibilities and that cosmetics wanted me, but that she wanted to keep me in the front end and get training in guest service, and something about cash training in the future. She said to take initiative and ask if I can watch lanes when the person in charge goes on lunch, and to answer call lights if I can. What I want to know is what job was she trying to move me too. What was the position that cosmetics wants me for? I got so confused because she was using Target abbreviations I'm not familiar with. She said I may float between the two front and cosmetics, but didn't give me a definite answer when I would start training. I assume this was an informal interview to see if I was interested in moving forward with Target. Another question I have is with these new responsibilities will I get a pay raise? I making $7.50 as a cashier.
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Some stores have a cosmetics brand team member. They superzone and clean the area during their shifts. Cosmetics in all retail is a high theft area so to have a human presence helps keep temptation down. Also it does get heavily shopped so it needs the extra TLC. Usually there is not a pay increase.
As far as responsibilities go, that sounded a lot like a GSA position. Cash office, watching lanes, getting blinkers etc. usually is what a GSA does (among other things). I'm guessing your ETL wants you to move up within the Front End, while your ETL HL wants you to be Cosmetics Brand . If you're a cashier moving up to GSA it most likely will be a $.50 increase, although it may be different. Brand TMs are the same paygrade as GSAs I believe.


GS = Guest Service: Does returns/checkouts. Credit Card payments, bottle returns, holds items, price adjustments..virtually any function on the register (apart from pharmacy stuff).
GSA = Guest Service Attendant: Works in the Cash Office (counts the day prior's cash amts, sends reports to auditor, sets up tomorrow's funding), helps run the front lanes, supervises and schedules breaking up front.
GSTL = Guest Service Team Leader: Everything a GSA does, along with Statuses, Business Walks, Reviews, Coachings (and some other stuff).
ETL-GE = Executive Team Lead Guest Experience: Above the GSTL. Responsible for overall brand throughout the store, however has more of a focus on the Front End area.

That's just how its kinda split up as far as authority goes and whatnot.
I'm the $1 spot super zoner when I close. I understand now why cosmetics would want me. Thank you both for answering! GSA sounds like a huge upgrade in responsibility for low pay.
Cosmetics is a good area to work in if you are detail-oriented. I received a pay increase when I became the cosmetics brand TM from being a sales floor TM.
At my store, we have a GSA who zones Cosmetics a couple days a week. On those days, she starts her shift at Guest Service, then finishes off with a few hours of zoning.
I'm the $1 spot super zoner when I close. I understand now why cosmetics would want me. Thank you both for answering! GSA sounds like a huge upgrade in responsibility for low pay.

It definitely is. The expectations are similar to those of a Team Lead, but with a smaller raise. If you are interested in further promotions, it would definitely give you a good idea of what to expect. GSA is a $0.50 raise.

If you're good at the One Spot zoning and enjoy that kind of work, then cosmetics would be right up your alley. The raise would only be $0.25, I believe, but it would also give you more experience in other areas of the store along with the responsibility of "owning" an area much like what you'd get from being a GSA. Either way is definitely more responsibility, not much more pay, but a step in the right direction as long as you're interested. Keep us posted!
It definitely is. The expectations are similar to those of a Team Lead, but with a smaller raise. If you are interested in further promotions, it would definitely give you a good idea of what to expect. GSA is a $0.50 raise.

If you're good at the One Spot zoning and enjoy that kind of work, then cosmetics would be right up your alley. The raise would only be $0.25, I believe, but it would also give you more experience in other areas of the store along with the responsibility of "owning" an area much like what you'd get from being a GSA. Either way is definitely more responsibility, not much more pay, but a step in the right direction as long as you're interested. Keep us posted!

I have a feeling cosmetics is more up my alley. I'm very detail oriented and love to work in 1 spot. I spoke to the ETL today and she did mention the position again as a GSA. I will be training in GS very soon to prepare me. Thanks to all of you for the help and encouragement =)

(on a side note) I never knew a retail company would pay so little for so much responsibility! This is the lowest paying job I have ever had in my life! Glad I like what I do.
If you like what you do, you'll enjoy your work!

If you don't like what you're doing, you're going to be miserable and it will affect performance. Take the road that you enjoy most!
Cosmetics is a great learning event for you. It can lead to higher things for you. Learn everything including backroom. It's all you!
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