Archived New to Target and TBR

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Enlightened by The Break Room
Jun 1, 2015
Hello. I just started about a month ago at Target and I just recently found this great website. (And believe it or not I really like working at Target). I like how the site keeps it real and it seems like a great place to let off steam as well. I am currently going to school full time (make up hours) for an Aviation Program. Long story short, I'm not really digging Aviation and although I will finish the program that I started, I am enjoying retail so much, I might want to make a career out of Target. I have only been there a month and I have (hopefully) made a good impression on the GSA's and GTSL's that I work for up front. I was asked by the TL of Electronics if I would be interested in working back there and I immediately told him I was. I'm sure learning the floor is obviously key in moving up. I'm not looking for the fast track to the top but I do have management experience (I managed a good old Tilt arcade) and I am willing to work hard. I guess what I am looking for are pointers on which areas I should learn and if there is a recommended path to one day making ETL? Is there a place online where I can learn Target's inventory system? (edit:found the guide section ) From what I have heard not everyone at the top, or near it, fully understand how it works. I love to learn and wouldn't mind the extra home work. Thank you all in advance for any advice (Even the run like hell kind :)). And thank you for this wonderful site. I hope to learn from the advice and mistakes from the pros here.

Kind Regards,


edited because I can't spell there
2nd edit because I just found the guides :)))). I will be reading this with much enthusiasm.
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Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.

I don't know if you're using your IRL name for your nick but we do recommend that folks stay as anonymous as possible both so they can feel free to say what they want without worrying if one of the lurkers is their STL.
Spot does lurk and isn't a huge fan of many of the topics we discuss as it is.
If you decide you want a name change just let a mod know.
Thank you for the warm welcome. I will certainly take your advice and change my nick if I can please. If DoomTree is available, I'll take it. My favorite underground hip hop group.
Nice! Good song. DoomTree is represented by such a diverse group of people. Almost all nationalities, sexes and races are included. Please check out "Traveling Dunk Tank", "A Little Mercy" and P.O.S.'s "F' your SH!t" and/or "Drumsticks".

Do you have any little known band recommendations Commiecorvus? I like it all. I mean seriously. From Ravi Shankar to Lamb of God.

"Slow Burn" is another favorite of mine.
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That was friggin awesome and most definitively obscure. It doesn't hurt that the lead singer is way attractive either :). (Or is it is just me)

Right on! Thanks for the heads up on the threads. I'll check them out after school tomorrow.
Yeah Cash, I think the location has a lot to do with it but the general atmosphere of the place is great. I saw our STL cashiering and at first I had to do a double take. It happens pretty frequently actually. He is on the floor often and already knows my name despite my short time being there. The little things like that are a big deal to me. And thank you for the welcome!
Thanks Hardlinesmaster! I will certainly take your advice. I suppose a degree is a degree regardless of whether or not that becomes my career. Best of all, its a free program. An associates plus 2 FAA certs. Can't beat it.
Welcome to the red 'hood.
As Commie said, we fly below radar here so if that tag at the end of your opening post can be linked to you, I'd edit it out.
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