Archived New Wypalls and hand towels in FA.

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Jul 26, 2015
So, how is everyone liking the new Wypalls and hand towels in the food areas? They obviously didn't account that we have to use more than twice as much to accomplish the same job, therefore spending more money on supplies instead of saving any money. They say they save billions? I say thanks to them my expense report will go thru the roof ordering twice as many Wypalls. That will be fun to explain to my STL, not.
They suck. I cleaned up a wine spill with them tonight. Much frustration and waste. My solution: Take a handful of Starbucks's napkins everyday. Eventually, you'll have a nice stock pile <_<
Starbucks is now using the same Wypalls also. The hand towels are useless.
All paper is being replaced. They suck. Plus the key left in tsc has already gone missing. Hope we can order replacements...
Noticed we had these in the bathrooms yesterday. I am so not a fan. They're shit!
The new brown paper is not even adsorbent, it sounds good to spend less but it costs more in the long run if you have to use more.
The ones at SB suck eggs big time.
Kid spilled a drink & a TM grabbed the box using nearly HALF for a spill that wasn't that big.
We haven't received any new Wypalls yet that I know of but the brown hand towels are about as useful as tits on a boar hog. Oh wait, can I say tits? If not just pretend I said something else, k? I need 10 towels to clean up the same amount of mess that I used 1 or 2 towels for prior to the change. Damn cheapskate bastards. Oh wait, can I say bastards? <s>
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