Archived Noises that give you PTSD

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Jun 20, 2019
Hi friends, I was lying awake last night and took note of some reoccurring store sounds that give me nightmares, and it made me curious to see what everyone else’s were!

Mine’s the infamous “restroom follow up is needed” and the drive up alert sounds :) love to see it
Hi friends, I was lying awake last night and took note of some reoccurring store sounds that give me nightmares, and it made me curious to see what everyone else’s were!

Mine’s the infamous “restroom follow up is needed” and the drive up alert sounds :) love to see it

What, you mean HONK HONK that BEEP you don't like HONK HONK never knowing when it wiBEEPll go off?

I have anxiety issues, and the HONK HONK sure ain't helping them.
The drive up sounds and the fast service button for photo (thank god we don’t have photo anymore). Also the sound the self checkout makes when it goes to the “a team member is coming to assist you” screen
The whoosh clunk of a full pallet being dropped during the bowl used to inspire dread. One day dread was replaced with
“Bring it.” Occasionally with a growl.😬😊
A certain ETL’s Donald Duck-on-helium voice cracking out orders over the walkie like the voice of doom incarnate. Constantly. Like having a bat screaming in your ear all day, which is ironic, considering that if said ETL’s voice was just a tad higher pitched, only a bat could hear it...🦇🦇🦇
That is very annoying! It's no wonder leadership spazzes whenever it goes off.
Leadership at my store didn't care, it was a necessary evil for a while. But then when it was figured out how to forward to the replacement phone and then to the zebra, most of softlines did not want the forwarding so it stayed on night bell. When I had phones forwarded and took a break, a lot of the softlines folks asked me to take it off forwarding and put it on night bell until I came back from break.
"Whose got that drive up?!" Literally as soon as it honks and then 5 times after because the person respoding didn't take a walkie..
And hearing "heeyyyy, my bosses name, switch to 2" every 3 seconds
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