Archived Notice period

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Feb 1, 2012
So.... despite being with spot almost 7 months and being well cross trained, I have been looking elsewhere and received an offer today I cannot turn down. I received my annual raise and brand payrise, which boosted me to $7.65 from my starting $7.25, however the offer I received is almost $15 an hour, and I know it would take me aaaaages to get that with spot.

Im just tired with the management lately, the unreliable hours, the promising to finish training me in certain areas and honestly quite simply I need to earn more. Anyway I REALLY wanted to give my two weeks notice, however the new job want me to start orientation in 3 days time. So would it be best just to go in and quit, or should I say I can work the 3 days, and whatever else I can in my last 2 weeks to help them out.

I would like to help them out if possible, and work any of my last shifts I can, but I have a feeling they will be pissy and tell me to just leave, which if that is the case I guess I will do.

I know if I just quit I'll be un-rehirable, but honestly I dont think Id want to come back 🙂 I just feel bad because I do get on very well with most of the TM's and some of the ETL's, I just need to do whats financially better for me.

So I guess the question is.... is a few days better than none, if I cant give 2 weeks.... or should I just 100% quit.
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So.... despite being with spot almost 7 months and being well cross trained, I have been looking elsewhere and received an offer today I cannot turn down. I received my annual raise and brand payrise, which boosted me to $7.65 from my starting $7.25, however the offer I received is almost $15 an hour, and I know it would take me aaaaages to get that with spot.

Im just tired with the management lately, the unreliable hours, the promising to finish training me in certain areas and honestly quite simply I need to earn more. Anyway I REALLY wanted to give my two weeks notice, however the new job want me to start orientation in 3 days time. So would it be best just to go in and quit, or should I say I can work the 3 days, and whatever else I can in my last 2 weeks to help them out.

I would like to help them out if possible, and work any of my last shifts I can, but I have a feeling they will be pissy and tell me to just leave, which if that is the case I guess I will do.

I know if I just quit I'll be un-rehirable, but honestly I dont think Id want to come back 🙂 I just feel bad because I do get on very well with most of the TM's and some of the ETL's, I just need to do whats financially better for me.

So I guess the question is.... is a few days better than none, if I cant give 2 weeks.... or should I just 100% quit.

Can you ask the gaining employer if they would delay your orientation to allow you to give 2 weeks notice in your previous job? Even if you don't care to return to the Bullseye, it is considered the minimum professional courtesy (if nothing else, out of personal consideration and loyalty for the co-workers you do like). A reputation for job abandonment can follow you around if you're not careful. The gaining employer should be understanding about this, if they share the same professional motivations and consideration.

One possible alternative, if the gaining employer won't consent to a delay, and the new work schedule conflicts with your old one, would be to ask if your schedule could be rearranged, possibly finding other team members to cover most of your remaining shifts through replacement or swaps. Many stores underschedule team members who would usually welcome additional hours and pay. I also know of at least one employee at my store that was permitted to take most of their notice period as "terminal leave" from their paid leave balance. With one of these options, you'll still get credit for two weeks notice. Even if they get pissy, which I doubt, you will at least have asked and tried to offer some flexibility and options considering the circumstances, rather than just dump it in their lap as a done deal with only 3 days notice.
Here are things to consider...

- Yes, it is professionally appropriate to give your present employer 2 weeks notice before taking on a new job.
- You can possibly give your remaining shifts to other TMs if you are able.
- You stated you only worked at Target 7 months. In my opinion, I would not even list Target as a previous employer on any future applications or resumes. Its too short of time to report. Plus, some employers view that if you report that you worked for a company under a year's time before moving on is a negative.
- You will be getting paid twice more than Target at the new job.

If there are no possibilities of the new job falling through, or you will be returning to Target or retail for a number of years. Take the chance then and take the job. Leave Target ASAP.
... If there are no possibilities of the new job falling through ...

I think that this is the key point. You may also wind up not getting through probation or being laid off after just a few months. If you burned your bridges with Target, you may wind up holding the bag (mixed metaphor, I know). Double nothing is still nothing.

Reading around on various job advice web sites about leaving without giving proper notice, such as to take another job, one good point offered was to consider the business ethics of an employer who would expect you to leave another job without giving notice (and probably complain loudly if you tried to do the same thing to them). Also, if they are not able to honor a reasonable request like this, while you still have some negotiating leverage before joining the company, how flexibile are they going to be about other issues (vacation, sick days, etc.) once you are on board, possibly having burned your bridges with Target and now stuck?
Its actually one of my old ETLs who will be the co manager at the store I'm looking at going to. He was the one that made work fun, since he left people are just so unhappy. He told me id be able to honor my two weeks, however they need me sooner than initially thought.

I'm going to try work around it and work what I can if my last two weeks, I will be talking to my ETL-HR tonight about it all.

There is always a risk a new job won't work out I know, I do still have another offer on the table if it falls through, had it since last year from the company my hubby works at..... They told me I have a job there if I want it lol, but I just think its best to not mix it .... I'd rather have my own job haha.

I don't want to leave them in the crapper, so will offer to do what i can for two weeks, even if it means lack of rest while working two jobs, but I'm hoping I can find people to cover mist of them.
I will still list it probably, because its been my only job in this country haha, my others were back home before I moved here. I started it as soon as I was legally able to work here.

My old ETL who will be my new manager has told me he's got my back, but I know unless something is in writing there is always a risk of it falling through. I'm just tired of target, so wouldn't go back, but dont want to leave in a bad way if possible.

Ty everyone for all ur fab advice
You don't always get enough time to give adequate two-week notice though. My current job gave me an offer and told me I would start in about a month. I was sitting on that for a few days before I turned in my notice when they suddenly contacted me and stated the training would start in 14 days. I had to scramble to be able to give my current employer notice.
Just wanted to pop back and update.

I gave my two weeks notice form, nd my new job was willing to work around it, but because my now job's manager is an old ETL they told me it would be a "conflict of interest" to work both places, so I said well, regretfully I shall have to quit.

Worked until my first day at the new job, I was kinda sad to go, made some awesome friends in the 7 months I was there, but Im loving my new job. It is another retail store, and the location is brand new so on day one it was a shell, now we are getting ready for grand opening.

Anyway I will be a dept. manager, at $14 an hour, and guaranteed 38 hours a week, on a set schedule. WOOOOO 😀
Congratulations and have a great time.
Sounds like you things are going well for you.
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