Archived PA taking on CTL roles?

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Jul 27, 2012
I'm a top performer for my area. Took ownership of pfresh, in the green on all stats including BR Accuracy in temp zones. My CTL today said he'd like me to take over dealing with the vendors and ownership of all of Market.

I'm just trying to figure out why, not that I'm complaining. It's a ton of work on top of everything else. I doubt it's because I'm being eyeballed for CTL, he's been doing it for 9 months or so.
That's essentially what my ctl made me do. You may not be being eyeballed for ctl of your particular store, but possibly for others.
Pretty much in the same boat. Have a project of how to improve vendor communication since we cant always be there or track them down to talk to them.

As far as dry market goes, we have to take ownership of the endcaps, dcode, and any ptms when our ctl isnt there for opening. Then taking care of the zone at night. Dont have to do reshop yet, but im sure that is the next thing they will TRY to push on us.
There's four of us (PAs) and we can't seem to keep CTLs for more than six months. Two of us are expected to take over in the absence of CTLs. When we actually have one, we go back to our normal routine and let the CTL take care of that.
My ctl wants me to be more involved with venders whenever i can. She wants me to call certain venders when orders are needed or issues arraise.

On a side note, what the heck are "dcodes" and how do they affect pfresh?

It is product that is located in the backroom that has a discontinued status. You can pull them up on the backroom detail report by backroom aisle. Most pfresh things dont go D-Code but dry market does, along with freezer product.
There's four of us (PAs) and we can't seem to keep CTLs for more than six months. Two of us are expected to take over in the absence of CTLs. When we actually have one, we go back to our normal routine and let the CTL take care of that.

Im not suprised. CTL honestly seems like the hardest TL position.
The thing is though, if I'm responsible for roles that should belong to CTL, then pay should be commensurate with that. It seems like a cheap way for Spot to dole the work out to PAs and not pay at CTL level.
The thing is though, if I'm responsible for roles that should belong to CTL, then pay should be commensurate with that. It seems like a cheap way for Spot to dole the work out to PAs and not pay at CTL level.

SOP for Spot.
Labor is prior to, and independent of Capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor and would not exist of labor did not exist first. Labor is the superior of capital and thus deserves much higher consideration.

But.. Capital rules everything around me.
Labor is prior to, and independent of Capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor and would not exist of labor did not exist first. Labor is the superior of capital and thus deserves much higher consideration.

But.. Capital rules everything around me.

And when Capital rules as Lincoln pointed out

Having proceeded so far, they naturally conclude that all laborers are naturally either hired laborers or slaves.
They further assume that whoever is once a hired laborer, is fatally fixed in that condition for life; and thence again, that his condition is as bad as, or worse than, that of a slave.

The man saw Spot coming.
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