Archived Personal Action Plan for AR?

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Jun 17, 2011
So today my TL for Electronics started telling all the Electronics team members that we have to have a verbal personal action plan on how we plan to improve the accessories attachment rate. Shouldn't the TL be making a action plan and enforcing it?

Also any ideas on how to impove the AR rate. My store is usually in the top three for the district.
When he asks for your plan say something like "I'm going to look to my TL for support and planning to improve the accessories attachment rate".
Seems like a reasonable plan.

We've used a bowl where every time someone sells an attachment, they get a gtc, then at the end of the week a card is drawn and whoever wins gets a $20 gift card.
A lot of times when we have contests to improve the scores, the TL and store ETLs are slow to follow up on the prizes. Most of the Electronics team members just laugh when a new contest is mentioned.
Sounds like a TL who doesn't want to take responsibility or take charge.
Our CTL set up something that looks like Cliffhangers from The Price is Right in the TSC, and each week that the guy is in the yellow, the guys in electronics get to have her bake them something, and if it's green, she'll cook them dinner.
A lot of times when we have contests to improve the scores, the TL and store ETLs are slow to follow up on the prizes. Most of the Electronics team members just laugh when a new contest is mentioned.

EXACTLY. My team members just "meh..." when a new contest is made. It is to the point where our TL or DTL make one, they just make a sheet about it and have it put in the binder. After that, no one ever talks about it and the rewards are eventually forgotten or never given. So TMs just don't care anymore. That is the number one thing that is causing our % to be going down. Everyone says that it is a store wide goal and everyone should be helping but at the end of the night its all up to how many each ELEC TM got and if daily goal is not met then they want to know why. No one else ever helps. I get so mad at my ETL and STL because they make such an effing fuss about this but they themselves never do anything to help or look to see what is causing our trend. In the end it's always well you guys are yellow almost red.... lets make a contest.... but never give anyone that giftcard/prize

What I do find that helps is telling elec. TMs to show/tell the guest the value that those attachments have. Don't just say want another game/suggest this game. Show the value and the long term that it will give the guest. That always works better.
Our CTL set up something that looks like Cliffhangers from The Price is Right in the TSC, and each week that the guy is in the yellow, the guys in electronics get to have her bake them something, and if it's green, she'll cook them dinner.

I like this idea!
Hmmmm, sounds like your TL did make an action plan... He's going to make his TMs do it, seems like a good plan to me!!!!! No thinking/effort required!!!!!!!!
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