Sales Floor Store action plan and pro tips for Q4 2023

Nov 20, 2017
me here with some ideas for any ETLs and SDs lurking, which are sure to revolutionize your store’s recovery and fulfillment process, and turn your metrics so green that they’ll sprout leaves and flowers which can then be rolled into a doobie. These methods will also work anywhere in the retail industry and not just at Target, and I am using them with immense success at my current company.

You will need:

• 50 overnight recovery TMs, full time
• 50 dayside recovery TMs, full time

No need to check payroll since it is effectively infinite anyway, and I have personally verified that overtime pays out automatically even in January and February. You’ll want to schedule all your recovery TMs a bare minimum of 50 hours per week, but state and local law permitting, 58 is the sweet spot in my experience.

Most of your recovery/zoning should be done on the ON side, as you definitely wouldn’t want to waste any of that infinite payroll trying to zone a rack or fixture while it is being shopped. This is especially important during Q4 when you will need to switch most of your dayside recovery team over to fulfillment.

Alternatively, you can simply close your store at the beginning of Q4 and switch it to fulfillment only as a Target fulfillment center. This method has the benefit of massively reducing your shrink numbers and order cancel rates. If corporate calls to ask why you closed the store, just tell them that your store team tried to unionize and that should satisfy them.

However, if you decide to keep your store open, just remember that zoning on the Saturday before Christmas during business hours is not recommended, as you always want to make efficient and responsible use of those billions of payroll dollars at your disposal, and Karen will naturally trail behind your TMs unzoning as she goes. Dayside recovery should be limited to picking merchandise up off the floor and removing any trip hazards you may find such as loose hangers and silica gel paks.

As far as reshop goes, what I like to do is arrange the guest service desk with a fixture of wacos for your GS people to locate reshop, as this will make items much easier to find by the fulfillment team. You should always locate as much merchandise as can reasonably fit in a waco.

Never underestimate the value of supporting your team and rewarding their success, and there’s no reward greater and more meaningful than money. Partner with your SD about raises for your top performers, I usually go with 100% across the board. Some other possible ideas include $500 gift cards for perfect attendance or fewest orders cancelled, catered food, and stocking the fridge with energy drinks and Gatorade. You can also requisition Uber and Lyft gift cards for your TMs who don’t own a vehicle to ensure that they’ll always have a ride to work. Personally I like to take my team out to the nearby steakhouse, food and liquor on me (I never hire anybody under 21 anyway, so in our case we just sit at the bar).

Let me tell you, I’ve been running my own store this way and not only do we have the best metrics in the company, but corporate has actually reached out to me about designating my store a training store for newly hired store directors in other districts. I also regularly train new AP people in shrink reduction which they go on to apply at their own stores. Guests are loving the fast fulfillment times without the inconvenience of cancelation, and the shareholders are equally enthusiastic about our sky high YTD profits.

I wanted to get this action plan out there so that everyone can start planning their implementation early before Q4 kicks off, but don’t be shy about moving forward on it now. Earlier the better. Depending on your own store’s sales volume you might need to play with the exact numbers but that’s really your call. I am excited for this upcoming holiday season and can’t wait to see everyone’s results!
me here with some ideas for any ETLs and SDs lurking, which are sure to revolutionize your store’s recovery and fulfillment process, and turn your metrics so green that they’ll sprout leaves and flowers which can then be rolled into a doobie. These methods will also work anywhere in the retail industry and not just at Target, and I am using them with immense success at my current company.

You will need:

• 50 overnight recovery TMs, full time
• 50 dayside recovery TMs, full time

No need to check payroll since it is effectively infinite anyway, and I have personally verified that overtime pays out automatically even in January and February. You’ll want to schedule all your recovery TMs a bare minimum of 50 hours per week, but state and local law permitting, 58 is the sweet spot in my experience.

Most of your recovery/zoning should be done on the ON side, as you definitely wouldn’t want to waste any of that infinite payroll trying to zone a rack or fixture while it is being shopped. This is especially important during Q4 when you will need to switch most of your dayside recovery team over to fulfillment.

Alternatively, you can simply close your store at the beginning of Q4 and switch it to fulfillment only as a Target fulfillment center. This method has the benefit of massively reducing your shrink numbers and order cancel rates. If corporate calls to ask why you closed the store, just tell them that your store team tried to unionize and that should satisfy them.

However, if you decide to keep your store open, just remember that zoning on the Saturday before Christmas during business hours is not recommended, as you always want to make efficient and responsible use of those billions of payroll dollars at your disposal, and Karen will naturally trail behind your TMs unzoning as she goes. Dayside recovery should be limited to picking merchandise up off the floor and removing any trip hazards you may find such as loose hangers and silica gel paks.

As far as reshop goes, what I like to do is arrange the guest service desk with a fixture of wacos for your GS people to locate reshop, as this will make items much easier to find by the fulfillment team. You should always locate as much merchandise as can reasonably fit in a waco.

Never underestimate the value of supporting your team and rewarding their success, and there’s no reward greater and more meaningful than money. Partner with your SD about raises for your top performers, I usually go with 100% across the board. Some other possible ideas include $500 gift cards for perfect attendance or fewest orders cancelled, catered food, and stocking the fridge with energy drinks and Gatorade. You can also requisition Uber and Lyft gift cards for your TMs who don’t own a vehicle to ensure that they’ll always have a ride to work. Personally I like to take my team out to the nearby steakhouse, food and liquor on me (I never hire anybody under 21 anyway, so in our case we just sit at the bar).

Let me tell you, I’ve been running my own store this way and not only do we have the best metrics in the company, but corporate has actually reached out to me about designating my store a training store for newly hired store directors in other districts. I also regularly train new AP people in shrink reduction which they go on to apply at their own stores. Guests are loving the fast fulfillment times without the inconvenience of cancelation, and the shareholders are equally enthusiastic about our sky high YTD profits.

I wanted to get this action plan out there so that everyone can start planning their implementation early before Q4 kicks off, but don’t be shy about moving forward on it now. Earlier the better. Depending on your own store’s sales volume you might need to play with the exact numbers but that’s really your call. I am excited for this upcoming holiday season and can’t wait to see everyone’s results!
You hiring?
My store has been overnight for years . It’s the only way to take 13-15 trucks a week and stay current .
uhh. you gotta know you’re in like the 2% of stores that are overnight. we’re also an overnight store but we’re HV too.

99.999 percent don’t need overnights lmao.
They do . Because they need to be “ great by 8”.
overnights take significantly more payroll, more leaders, more heads, and is less profitable.

if anything, the way best practices is getting forced everywhere this year, i wouldn’t be surprised if they killed overnight stores for non UHV stores.
Pretty obvious overnight needs to return. That alone could cure alot.
Ehhh like other have said it’s so much more expensive. Just look at stores that aren’t classified as overnight but run their process overnight. They get significantly less payroll because it’s way more efficient to run dayside unless you’re taking 12-21 trucks a week. I’ve worked in a 70m 4am store and got like 700-900 hours a week for Inbound/GM (pre having H&S be style) and I’ve worked in a 75M store that’s classified as overnight and got roughly 900-1300 hours a week. The difference is insane just from leader payroll, ETLs coverage, Tms needed. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows unless you’re truly classified as an overnight store and get the resources and payroll for it. When I was an etl I hated overnights and pushed to get put back to 4am.
Here it is just a wee bit less than five wee little months before The Karening and you’re seriously telling me you haven’t decked the halls with boughs of dollars yet? The fuck?
UPDATE: Corporate tried to visit my store last Friday in all their squamous reptilian glory to dab on my metrics and utter lack of space-wasting fixtures jamming up the racetrack, but failed to check in with me first by phone or email like this isn't the 21st century after Jesus H. Christ his very self...needless to say all they could do was watch through our plate glass doors and camera domes hissing helplessly as we worked hella overtime overnight to secure the bag for their ungrateful asses. Thankfully I have the financial backing of many thousands of relieved and indebted shareholders who are going to great lengths to secure me the fattest payroll bag they can hustle up. Moral of the story, telling corporate to get bent will always pay dividends, and the risk is well worth the payout
overnights take significantly more payroll, more leaders, more heads, and is less profitable.

if anything, the way best practices is getting forced everywhere this year, i wouldn’t be surprised if they killed overnight stores for non UHV stores.
You only need 1 leader, competent that is, overnight. We do it fairly often. Everyone knows what needs to be done and does it. EZ.
You only need 1 leader, competent that is, overnight. We do it fairly often. Everyone knows what needs to be done and does it. EZ.
for overnight to be profitable / worth the extra payroll your store should be making 70 mil at LEAST

I’m an overnight store i love it lol but my store is in the top 2% of all stores.

you also have to remember on top of additional payroll there has to be additional training, additional security additional practices etc
for overnight to be profitable / worth the extra payroll your store should be making 70 mil at LEAST

I’m an overnight store i love it lol but my store is in the top 2% of all stores.

you also have to remember on top of additional payroll there has to be additional training, additional security additional practices etc
I'm well aware of what it takes. We do over 110M/yr.

I only responded to the multiple leaders required overnight.

You don't need multiple leaders overnight, just a competent team.
I'm well aware of what it takes. We do over 110M/yr.

I only responded to the multiple leaders required overnight.

You don't need multiple leaders overnight, just a competent team.
Yeah but the said you need leaders overnight and you said you only need one, which isn't the case at minimum you need 2 just you don't need them both at the same time. I doubt anyone is working everyday and you always need a lead in the building. I'm assuming most stores do 4 10s overnight which means they only have 1 overlapping day. It also doesn't leave much room for vacations either. Point is it costs quite a bit more payroll to do overnights so that's why it isn't an option in most stores.
I'm well aware of what it takes. We do over 110M/yr.

I only responded to the multiple leaders required overnight.

You don't need multiple leaders overnight, just a competent team.
regardless, multiple leaders or not. there are a lot more additional costs to Overnight. Lighting, TMs, dedicated Overnight TL(s), reduced security.
You only need 1 leader, competent that is, overnight. We do it fairly often. Everyone knows what needs to be done and does it. EZ.

I'm well aware of what it takes. We do over 110M/yr.

I only responded to the multiple leaders required overnight.

You don't need multiple leaders overnight, just a competent team.
I hate the word "JUST" because people JUST think everything that's so easy for them is JUST so easy for everyone else. Just do this, just do that, okay well that's not working for me or my store, so JUST what now? ASANTS. True, a team competent enough doesn't require a leader, but please tell me where to find this already competent team, or please show all of the leadership how to build a competent team. At my store, we have 5 overnight team leaders and two 2 overnight ETLs. 10 years ago we had 6 TLs and 5 overnight ETLs. My store used to always compete with the Brooklyn store for the #1 spot. My store needs leaders because unfortunately, the people who apply are JUST not so competent. Sometimes the leaders all work the same night. Competency is valid but JUST sheer volume is as well. 1 Team leader and one ETL overnight will rain HELL when my store opens.
I hate the word "JUST" because people JUST think everything that's so easy for them is JUST so easy for everyone else. Just do this, just do that, okay well that's not working for me or my store, so JUST what now? ASANTS. True, a team competent enough doesn't require a leader, but please tell me where to find this already competent team, or please show all of the leadership how to build a competent team. At my store, we have 5 overnight team leaders and two 2 overnight ETLs. 10 years ago we had 6 TLs and 5 overnight ETLs. My store used to always compete with the Brooklyn store for the #1 spot. My store needs leaders because unfortunately, the people who apply are JUST not so competent. Sometimes the leaders all work the same night. Competency is valid but JUST sheer volume is as well. 1 Team leader and one ETL overnight will rain HELL when my store opens.
Sounds like there’s some troubles .
I am an overnight Etl and I have 2 tl , I also have an off-site with 3 tl.
Sounds like the problem your store my have is not having common sense and that’s something you can’t teach my friend .
I run my doubles with 24 people tops and that includes the backstocker a&a breakout and cosmetics breakout.
You need strong leaders in order to have a strong team . Believe me I have some anchors that are being dealt with , tm who’s been here for 10 plus years realizing they can’t get away with things anymore .
Your store needs to start performance. those anchors out so they won’t drag the whole team down.
Sorry guys, I didn't dispute anyone's statement that it costs more to run an overnight team, I think that's blatantly obvious it would require more payroll. I only disputed that you needed multiple leaders overnight, which, on a nightly basis, you don't. Our new Inbound TL went to another store for his training & was trained by a single TL for 3 nights running, at a store that does slightly more than us over the year.

I assumed people knew that I was only talking for a single night, my bad. Obviously you'll need multiple leaders on payroll for all the days. I'll have to remember to point out the blatantly obvious things now I reckon.

As to the one with leadership/team issues, that's something for your store to figure out. Our Inbound team has trainers that have been there since the store opened, and some with the company for 30+. The culture we've laid out in training and day to day operations is work hard, and take pride in what you're doing. The ones that just want to come in & skate by get weeded out relatively quickly. Our leaders get involved in training where need be, which is rare. The team's culture is to be the best it can be at all times. We've had the top sales for the company for Black Friday week for 2 years running, and had the most sales by any Target store in its history last Black Friday. It has to start from the ground up imho, not forced by the leaders. People will respect their peers feedback more than leaders.
Sorry guys, I didn't dispute anyone's statement that it costs more to run an overnight team, I think that's blatantly obvious it would require more payroll. I only disputed that you needed multiple leaders overnight, which, on a nightly basis, you don't. Our new Inbound TL went to another store for his training & was trained by a single TL for 3 nights running, at a store that does slightly more than us over the year.

I assumed people knew that I was only talking for a single night, my bad. Obviously you'll need multiple leaders on payroll for all the days. I'll have to remember to point out the blatantly obvious things now I reckon.

As to the one with leadership/team issues, that's something for your store to figure out. Our Inbound team has trainers that have been there since the store opened, and some with the company for 30+. The culture we've laid out in training and day to day operations is work hard, and take pride in what you're doing. The ones that just want to come in & skate by get weeded out relatively quickly. Our leaders get involved in training where need be, which is rare. The team's culture is to be the best it can be at all times. We've had the top sales for the company for Black Friday week for 2 years running, and had the most sales by any Target store in its history last Black Friday. It has to start from the ground up imho, not forced by the leaders. People will respect their peers feedback more than leaders.
It's not that it wasn't obvious for what you were saying it's just that your answer had no point as nobody was talking about a single day. So you need leaders overnight not a single leader for an overnight team. That's obvious. I agree with you about your team and culture though. I have worked hard to keep my teams culture just that, as my previous inbound leaders did well with that also. They hold each other accountable because they all have respect for one another and myself.
Going back to the original post, why cant GS be in the back, right outside the backroom doors? Fit to go on a shelf, immediate backstock. Item disposal, bin are right there. No collecting things at the front and waiting for pick up from the anemically staffed sales floor.
Going back to the original post, why cant GS be in the back, right outside the backroom doors? Fit to go on a shelf, immediate backstock. Item disposal, bin are right there. No collecting things at the front and waiting for pick up from the anemically staffed sales floor.
Interesting... Kohl's did this at the store where I occasionally shop. It's really annoying as a customer, but makes so much sense.
I'm well aware of what it takes. We do over 110M/yr.

I only responded to the multiple leaders required overnight.

You don't need multiple leaders overnight, just a competent team.
I think the confusion is over best practice vs. What actually works. Best practice is 2 TLs or 1 ETL whenever working an O/N schedule for trailer. It's often not the case when a store/district opts into O/N under the standard threshold for O/N payroll.