Archived Placement possibilities?

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Mar 16, 2012
Hi everyone,

I was recently hired as an ETL and I start business college in about 5 weeks. When I interviewed they were unsure of where I would be placed in the store (Its a SuperTarget). What are the possible areas/responsibilities for an ETL in a Super Target? Are there areas that usually new ETL's are placed in first?

Thanks everyone!
Well, to start there are:

ETL-HR (Human Resources)
ETL-HL (Hardlines)
ETL-SL (Softlines)
ETL-GE (Guest Experience)
ETL-Rx (Pharmacy)
ETL-LOG (Logistics)
ETL-AP (Assets Protection)

Some stores may have a few more depending on what their store may need - perhaps 2 ETL-HL for example. Sometimes GE and SL are combined however in a SuperTarget, likely they are separate. I doubt they'll place you in HR as usually they will post for HR instead of a general ETL position. Usually new ETLs are placed in the GE slot for their first rotation (every 18 months ETLs rotate positions).
GE (guest experience) - cashier lanes, service desk, photo lab, food ave*, starbucks*
HL1 (hardlines 1) - electronics, entertainment, toys, sporting goods, stationary, home improvement, auto, domestics
HL2 (hardlines 2) - consumables, cosmetics, pets/chemical, seasonal, mini-seasonal, furniture, home storage, decor, market
SL (softlines) - clothing, lingerie, shoes, accessories, infant furniture/hard goods
LOG - logistics, flow
HR - staffing, training
AP (assets protection) - store/merch/property security

*some stores have these areas under market or HL2
to name a few....
Hi everyone,

I was recently hired as an ETL and I start business college in about 5 weeks. When I interviewed they were unsure of where I would be placed in the store (Its a SuperTarget). What are the possible areas/responsibilities for an ETL in a Super Target? Are there areas that usually new ETL's are placed in first?

Thanks everyone!

Outside of what everyone else has mentioned there will be an ETL-Food or two... which split up the bakery, deli, produce, meat, grocery etc... and then if your store is O/N for logistics they will have a replenishment ETL as well!

As for placement, it just depends on what is open at the time! They will try and fit you as best possible to the right position, but if something is open and they need someone to take it then that is what you are probably going to get!
Thanks for the help! Any advice for a newbie on business college or training? I've read the other threads on this topic but any advice for the first few weeks?
GE is also in charge of general service throughout the entire store, and not just the front 😉
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