Archived Printer paper

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Jan 23, 2019
So today I was printing individual price labels using batch print. I did the regular paper/labels and everything printed fine. Then it told me to print clearance paper. Anyone know what this is or what I did to cause it? Is there any way to delete the print batch? The whole thing is still in there
If you decide for whatever reason to print them just use regular copy paper. You’ll just end up tossing them in recycle anyway so no need to use anything better.
Something in your batch is a clearance item and the batch wants to print a Was/Now label for it. I've had this happen on pog batches where clearance was left in the pog instead of being removed. Like someone else said, just print on regular copy paper and toss.
Any way of doing this on the Zebra? Never used the computer back there before
If it's a standard batch in Signs and Labels, them when it prompts for labels you don't want, just hit "cancel" instead of "print" and it'll bypass that label type
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