Archived Question about Change Amount

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Oct 8, 2013
si when you're changing the prices on a register you hit K1 but then it gives you different options I don't remember them all of the top of my head but I know the obvious ones guest price challenge, damage, and competitor as match. But what is ad substitute? Example would be appreciated. It's pro an extremely obvious but I am overlooking it. Haha,

PS. Does anybody know how I can get access to print out the grid? I am a gsa but can't get into my time on workbench. Thanks!
My store uses ad substitute only with GSTL approval, to substitute a similar item to one advertised for the same price, usually requiring a salesfloor TM to go check and make sure the sign doesn't say "qty limited, no rain checks." An example is if the ad advertises a blue item X for 29.99 but the red item X is 39.99, if we are out of the blue one, ad substitute would be used to mark down the price of the red item so that it doesn't show up on the price challenge verification.
I use ad substitute for a variety of purposes. More or less anything that isn't damage, guest price challenge, or a competitor pricematch. It's basically the miscellaneous/other option.

Example: Guest returns XBOX 360 copy of Disney Infinity they purchased on BF for $39.99, they wish to exchange it for the XBOX One version of the game. It won't allow an even exchange, but the two items are the same price, and were both on sale during BF.

I'd return the 360 copy to a giftcard, then mark down the XBOX One version to the return price and purchase it with the giftcard.

I'd use ad substitute for the markdown as it isn't a guest price challenge, the price that it typically rings up as is the correct price for most purposes, guest price challenge is only for items that ring up at the wrong price.

This way the pricechange doesn't show up on the price challenge log. (They're supposed to check for incorrect signage for any items that had a guest price chalenge occur on them each day to verify if the guest was correct and fix the issue if so.)

As for the grid, you should have access to myTime if you're actually a GSA. By "actually a GSA", I mean if your jobcode is GSA and you have supervisor #'s, as opposed to just getting scheduled GSA shifts without your jobcode being GSA.
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Another time to use ad substitute is when the cartwheel doesn't take the discount off properly.
Wow I actually had no idea about this. Usually my GSTLs always tell me to just hit "guest challenge"
Yep, ad substitute isn't logged like price challenge is.

Using price challenge for everything creates unnecessary workload.
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