Question about getting a shift covered

Nov 20, 2018
If I call in the day of, but I have someone to cover my shift, is it okay to just call and let HR know? or would I need to go into the store and get it on the swap shift board?
Wouldn't it be "and" I have.....etc however, reading into it, that implies it's a pre-thought out call off from work. If there was/is an issue that prevent you from going in, in advance, then you should have cleared it with management in advance. It sounds irresponsible. One does not immediately find a "cover" for a spontaneous emergency. Be honest. Be mature. Be an employee, not a burden.
I disagree. I know our Starbucks TMs will communicate with each other if something comes up quick so that they aren't leaving the area with a gap. It shows forethought of not leaving the store in the lurch. Instead of giving the store a problem, you've given them a coverage solution.