Archived Question on Seasonal PLU

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Fulfillment Expert
Jul 12, 2013
Hey guys,

It's been 2 years since I've been in a non-AP role, and I think a few things have changed. There is a RedWire alert saying all of the summer One Spot merch is going 50% tomorrow. I'm trying to get it all organized and condensed for tomorrow, but I can't seem to figure out what DPCIs it applies to. Only a few items show up as PLU when I scan them in myWork. Is there any report on Workbench that will help me figure out which items apply? I asked my LOD and a Senior TL already and neither of them knew. Thanks!
Id imagine its the flowers/watermelon pots with seeds and paint your own rock like items. The stuff that didn't get PLU after easter.
Usually like SFS said it will be a specific class of items, or the Redwire might have an attached document that lists the DPCIs. For the items you found that are PLU, check if they all have the same class and then if so look for more items with the same class. :)
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