Archived Question??

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Feb 15, 2016
hey first post here but longtime lurker

I started at Target around a year and a half ago and under a year my etl pulled me aside to tell me he wanted to developed me as a TL. I recently learned that I was granted an interview date though was not specified on when. I read a lot of posts here and I know Spot can dangle the TL carrot, so I was wondering if they can tell TM that they have TL interview and not following through?
For me personally, they told me the same thing. Took me over a year for the "interview date" to come. Usually now that I am in the TL role and have to seek out who I am going to help develop into the pipeline it may vary if you are prepared enough or if they want to develop you more. In your case it may come sooner but in my store all our picks are to be ready for interviews by June/July.
Stores are supposed to have 2 TMs on the bench who are prepared to move into a leadership position if one becomes available. Once you do the interview, and do well, you are signed off on becoming a TL and are placed on the bench. However, if no TL positions are available, you could literally be on the bench forever.

In our district (this may or may not be company-wide), our DTL stopped doing the bench interviews and leaves it up to the stores to decide who they are going to promote. But, if you are waiting for the DTL to do your bench interview, just know that you're not going to be on the DTL's list of priorities, which is why it might take a while to get that interview done. Also, your store may not know when the next time your DTL is visiting, which is why they couldn't give your a specific date. You'll want to know if the DTL is doing your interview so that you can do practice interviews with your ETL/STL (the interview guide is on WB).
learn star interviews. understand scope. it'll help with the interview. the dtl likely doesn't know you. you need to impress them in the interview.
Slightly dated:
STAR interviews:
The answer to your question(s) are pretty simple. During your interview be honest and yourself. They will ask you 4-5 situational questions (total of 3 rounds I believe) just to see what type of leader you are. Remember to paint them a picture because what they are looking for in each question that you answer is to be outlined in the following way:

Situation - how does your answer relate to the question
Example: tell me about a time you had to make a tough decison
You - During college ect..... <--- you are painting them a picture so tehy can visually see your answer.
Task - what did you have to accomplish/what what was the issue or problem
Action - how did you solve this issue/what steps were taken.
Result - what was the final outcome.

Overall be upbeat. During the interview don't EVER put yourself down. Even with the famous questions "what is one think your previous supervisor would change or say that you need to work on." Turn the question about to something like: "One thing my past supervisor would stay that I can improve is sometimes I tend want to help out too much. If I see someone struggling I always try and offer assistance." Remember to turn a weakness into a strength (sorry I just got off work so if a lot does not make sense please don't blame me lol).

My interview came fairly quick. So quick I had no time to prepare, but I know the target interview style because I had to do one for GSA and they're all essentially the same.

As stated above mine may have come quick because our DTL doesn't do the interviews. Now once you finish the interview you may be on bench forever. Spot can be particularly annoying in this regard. Even when spots are open you may not get it. They "have a plan" for you. It's going to be a test of your endurance to see how long you can hold out. Sometimes you do the interview and shortly after you become a TL, but don't expect that to happen.

Try to get some solid information from your ETL instead of vague answers to help yourself be prepared. Good luck.
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