Archived Quitting under 90 days

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Apr 3, 2015
So some of you may have seen many of my frantic posts about being a newbie. Well I've worked for maybe a month now, and I love it! It's just, driving here everyday is a really struggle and I don't think I can keep doing this. I love the job, but I need some place closer. So here are my many questions:

Is there a rule that states that I can't quit under my 90 days?

How do I actually quit? this is my first job so I'm not sure how to do this.

Thanks for your time in advance!
Of course you can quit any time you want.
I do recommend giving two weeks notice, its polite and keeps from burning bridges.
You go to the HR ETL and ask for the form and let them know the day you want to term.
It's pretty simple really.
Anyone can quit any job anytime, unless you raised your right hand joining the military.

Give them as much (two weeks) notice as you can and move on.
LOL this post reminds me of a situation we had back when security was contracted out. We had a new security lady start, and apparently one of the new outbound team members decided to quit. When he got to the front, the security lady asked him if his supervisor was allowing him to leave. When he said no, she sent him back inside. Dazed and confused, he went back and finished the shift. Needless to say he didnt come back the next day tho.
Another time, some trainers were messing with a quitting team member. A new guy in the wing (seems like those quit the most) told his trainer he was quitting and asked where the exit was. )This was the guys first day, and my DC is huge, you genuinely could get lost your first week or two) So as a joke, the trainer sent him the wrong direction, and then called on the radio to let a few more people in on it. Multiple people joined the fun, and everytime the team member would get there someone would send him another direction. He ended up on the MEZZ before he finally found a GL who helped him find the way out.
If it's under 90 days, you have to sacrifice a pint of your own blood before exiting.
1) The rule states that you'll be fined $100 and $50 will be deducted from your tax return each year for 50 years.

2) To quit: Get on the overhead announcement and yell "fuck this place, I'm out!"

For real - since slavery ended in the U.S., you can quit anytime without fear of being lynched, burned, shot, or dismembered. Except the military, quit that and your first stop to freedom is a working military prison.

To quit - fill out a voluntary termination form at TSC and give it to HR.
You can quit anytime. Keep in mind that Target may mark you as non rehire-able since you didn't make it out of your probationary period. Meaning you won't be eligible to be hired at another Target store. If you enjoy working at Target, you may want to consider sticking it out for 90 days and then transferring to a store closer to you.
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