Archived Regarding Different Instructions

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Electronics TM
Oct 11, 2017
Alright... So in a fairly recent huddle we have been told to be Guest focused. In my department, electronics, we spend far more time educating the guest on purchases and such. My store manager, who is the one that discussed it, is presently out on leave. (for a good personal reason) We are now getting several LOD's that are from other stores. The demands placed on me during evening shifts are becoming somewhat overwhelming. I've been told to stay near the electronics boat for the rest of the season to accommodate guests and sales. The LOD's coming in are freaking if they see Seasonal reshop. I do the best that I can with those items when we get closer to closing hours. However, when nobody covers the phone calls, assists when needed, etc... it's not possible to follow both of the instructions. My sales are high because I do give good info. My Mobile has a tendency to leave early, so I end up with no help for 5 hours.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
I'm fairely new, just a year at Spot...but I have kinda started to think that a lot of the instructions given are cheerleading. They set the bar too high, making you think you have to do this much...when they really expect you (and would be satisfied) with much less. It's more of an encouragement than it is actual expectations. Do what you can...I could be wrong. I know that I bust my ass my whole shift, rarely stand around and loaf...chit chat with other team members, and I consistently get more hours than them I must be doing something right. Electronics is different tho...I'm just hardlines.
One thing that my former stores did was schedule a cashier at the boat to check out electronic purchases.

During peak times, my former stores had seasonal was tag teamed by Hardlines floor Team. Because the expectation and traffic flow for Electronics was too great.
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