Archived Rehire-able? ETL-HR or HRTL/TM Advice?

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GSTL at 16, World Dominator by 30!
May 4, 2014
Good afternoon, Breakroom!

I've posted before, but I now had a burning question to ask.

Earlier last decade, my lifelong dream of working at Target became a reality. (Seriously, it was a bit much. I had the full uniform, and mock cash register from the time I was 7). I was hired just after the seasonal rush in 2003. Having just turned 16, it was odd to be hired on January 3rd, but it was a 3 month daily call to the ETL-HR that made my persistence pay off. We were in a small market, and a ULV/High Theft store, so the turnover was huge.

Within my first 4 months I had learned all front end processes, and took shifts on the sales floor. That summer I learned back room and such. The summer between my jr/sr year in high school a GSTL position opened up (prior to the GSA launch) and many people who didn't know how old I was thought I would be the natural fit. With the overwhelming support of an awesome STL, and much to the terror of the ETL-GS (a Kmart transplant with STL aspirations) and ETL-HR (the fresh college faced girl who desperately demanded respect) I was promoted to the third GSTL position, and did my senior year in a work co-op to fit the full-time schedule.

You can imagine the pushback in getting this position at 16. I was threatened, I was yelled at, I was disrespected. But, I bled bulls eyes and quickly became a leader among leaders. Eighteen months later, I sought a transfer as I moved to college. After taking matters into my own hands, another ULV store was looking for a GSTL in the small town I went to school, and I transferred seamlessly to an awesome team made of young people like me. However, as is typical in ULV stores, ETL turnover was high. Two years later, the ETL-GS was not replaced, and the three GSTL's on the team (myself included) became very strong and reported directly to the ETL-HR (without guidance). The team loved us. We loved our jobs. We had a blast. We performed well in all metrics.

Suddenly, an emergency TL huddle was called to announce the leaving STL's departure. It was sad, as he wasn't the strongest in metrics, but an amazing team player. The ETL-HR was overwhelmed, in maternity, and unhappy with her job. She was also best friends with the ETL-AP. She was threatened by the strong GSTL team who called her on our need to keep our results high. This was gut-wrenching to the three of us, as the few people who knew our strength and passion were about to leave the store.

One of my peers was immediately put on final warning for "violating discount policy" (an Xbox bought over a year prior was sold on ebay at discount). My other peer was put on CA for "failure to secure checks" (an unsubstantiated claim). Closing one evening, my service desk TM "lost" the key when I returned from break. After 3 hours of looking with the LOD, the keys were left unsecured and "turned up" on a check lane the next morning. It was my turn to go on final warning for this (even though it was reported, blah...blah...blah). The cards were on the table. The interim STL(s) knew so little about the store they just pushed the process. Thirty days later two of the three of us were terminated for "failure to secure checks" which we now assume were planted/hidden. Integrity was no help at this point, and at 21, I was worried about a tarnished reputation in my career. I INSTANTLY found new work with better pay, and a better schedule--and I never looked back.

Eight years later, I have successfully managed my career in non-profit management and have been fortunate enough to be able to open my own consulting firm. I love what I do, but I miss how much I enjoyed the GSTL and service positions. I was good at it. Each problem guest was a challenge to resolve, and I loved doing it. Each team issue was an obstacle to overcome, and it was triumphant. I was made for the job, and I miss it often.

As my own business slows down for Q4, I can't help but wonder if I would ever be eligible for re-hire at Target, or if there is a statute of limitations on terminations. I know that it would be an uphill battle, but if I ever wanted to get back into the game, would I be able to? I guess that if nothing even ever comes of it, I have always wondered this. Hence, why I still troll this board and smile remembering the first job I loved (even when it didn't love me back).

Advice? Tips? Rejoicing?
I was deemed "Non Rehireable" by my ETL-HR at my First store.

When I applied at my Second Store later that year, the ETL-HR ended up being an ETL-FOOD who knew me from my First store, and thought highly of me. She questioned my Non Rehire status, and I just said that I was unable to give a full 2 weeks notice. She overturned the Non-Rehire and hired me.

So in short, having a non-rehire status isn't the final word.

And now I have a "Rehireable" status :)
We've hired and fired plenty of non-rehireable TMs at our store. Actually an ETL-Log I know was fired from Target as a TM, came back a year later to the same store, became the ETL-Replen after 4 years and is now their LOG.

I don't think you'll have a problem getting hired. Good Luck!
Someone earlier on the forums said that the non-rehirable status is only on there for 7 years.
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