Archived Rejected check?

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Nov 15, 2011
I just started as seasonal help this past week and went to my store Friday evening to buy groceries so I could take advantage of my discount. However, the computer rejected my check, so I wasn't able to use my discount. Does anyone know why it did that?
I just started as seasonal help this past week and went to my store Friday evening to buy groceries so I could take advantage of my discount. However, the computer rejected my check, so I wasn't able to use my discount. Does anyone know why it did that?

How large was the purchase? And also is this your first check with Target, secondly have you been using your checks a lot in the past few days?
If it's a new check or you haven't paid with a check in a long time then Target will reject it.
Call the 1-800 number that was printed on the back of the check. Most likely, the cashier entered your driver's license number wrong.
As some of the others are saying you can't write large checks (Normally $200+) if you haven't before. You need to build up a check writing history first which I think is kinda dumb. Whenever I have this happen to guests I have them write smaller checks around $125-$150 but that is also a gamble because the system might flag for to many checks written before you get the total covered.
There are lots of small reasons.

- Your checking account is new
- You don't have enough check writing history with Target
- Wrong DL entered
- You wrote a large check within a time period, and it hasn't cleared yet.
- You may have to get a couple pay checks before large checks can be authorized.
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