Archived Retail Giant Target Slashes Earnings Estimates For 2H16 Citing "Challenging Environment"

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1. Invest in up-to-date technology - having receipt look-up isn't enough when your devices won't even stay charged long enough to do work for ONE SHIFT or having registers crash regularly because of burgeoning software updates.
2. Invest in people - getting rid of long-timers who know what they're doing is fiscally short-sighted because of the costs of training a newb who may not have the foundation skills (& relies on short-cuts) to get up to speed. You also lose someone who invested in the company with their work ethic as opposed to someone who merely collects a paycheck.
3. Improving work conditions so you can reduce the biggest cost: high turnover - companies that have low turnover are in it for the long term instead of relying on short-term fixes that do nothing to address persistent problems. Even Walmart addressed part of the problem with simple but innovative fixes: set schedules & consistent hours. They didn't have to give employees MORE hours but, by giving them a schedule they could plan on (2nd job, work/life balance), they addressed a LARGE part of the problem without having to expend extra payroll.
4. Know when to be a SJW & when to simply shut up - corp could've simply kept their mouths shut & quietly kept accommodating but someone decided even bad publicity is good. The PAC controversy had died down & many among the red & khaki crowd always knew spot was pro-LGBTQ but the potty fight simply generated unneeded controversy & forced spot to go on the offensive during a time they were already struggling.
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maybe sales would of been better if corp didn't front load comp in the first half of the year. How is it that a store can make almost 150 over sales forecast and only comp .3%! Sure hope they lowered the comp forecast for the rest of the year
First thing would be to identify themselves as a problem. How much of the business slump was because of the bathroom issue?

I would say very little. The buying power of the prejudiced citizen is usually not all that large. If they are against equal rights for transgender people, they likely were shopping at Walmart anyway.
People shop at Walmart because they sell cheap crap. They have low expenses therefore they can afford undercutting us on almost everything

That + my Walmart is cleaner, and better-staffed. I walk into Walmart and see more team members in my first few steps than I'd see in my entire store. I can't speak for other walmarts across the country/world, though. And savings catcher is less work than cartwheel, and they don't push their card like tgt pushed the redcard. I can't remember the last time someone at wm offered me one, tbh.
That + my Walmart is cleaner, and better-staffed. I walk into Walmart and see more team members in my first few steps than I'd see in my entire store. I can't speak for other walmarts across the country/world, though. And savings catcher is less work than cartwheel, and they don't push their card like tgt pushed the redcard. I can't remember the last time someone at wm offered me one, tbh.

Plus Walmart works to stock items at the store that locals actually want to come in and buy. Most of it is not cheap crap unless you're referring to their furniture which some of it could use improvement. Most of the rest is a really good buy. Don't like to wait? I've noticed that there's usually only really long lines at peak times like 5-7 or right around midnight.
Try searching, "Long lines @ Target" on Twitter. Every. Single. Day. Our day side cashiers leave around 2 or 3. Our closing cashiers come in around 6. We are the very worst place to try running in to pick up dinner on the way home from work.
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