Archived Return policy?

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Jun 8, 2014
Quick question: what is the official return policy on bikes? I've searched but came up with nothing specifically on bikes. Our store will offer a repair but do we return bicycles once they've left the store?
I believe that bikes follow the same policy as any other item return. If there were an exception it would be printed on the receipt. For example all electronics will have an expiration date of 30 days after purchase date printed under the item and all movies and video games will state "Same Item if Opened" under the item as well.
actually, the policy is that once you buy it and it's used (so tires are dirty, etc) you can't return it. We will do repairs for 90 days and will exchange it if it can't be repaired but we don't return it.
How your store handles it may vary but that's the policy. All stores should have a sign posted by the bikes stating this.
That's the policy we are supposed to follow but with bold/vibe/whatever the actual policy we follow is "suggest the repair, if the guest declines, call the LOD to have them make the call."
policy is you can't return it after the waiting period unless you bitch to the STL. Then you can return it. Even its just the handlebar.
Keep in mind now they can buy a warranty for like 2 years. Might want to look into it, kn case you see it cross your guest service desk.
I finally saw out warranties sitting in back by the bike building areas. We aren't selling them here.
Very true! No one has mentioned them at all to me at my store, and I wouldn't know we had them except for this forum, so I knew what they were when I saw them on the shelf. If any other store around here is selling them, we'll be in for a surprise if someone brings it in to use it!
The bike builder should be attaching the service plans to each bike that is put out to the floor. I've sold precisely one of them in the two or so months they've been around. Granted I've only rung up the one bike in those two months.
What exactly is a return "policy"? My store doesnt have one at all. I feel
Like im the only gstm that actually follows common sense policies. "Oh youre receipt is expired? Sorry!"But someone else would say "sure! Let me use your drivers license, bump the price up to what you paid and use the emergency override code thats only supposed to be for emergencies to
Make sure the return wont count against your license. After all, your only 6 months late on this return. No biggie." I hate the inconsistency at my store.
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