Salvage, help!


Professional Badass
Jan 21, 2014
Following directions from my ETL in myDay I am going into price change, typing in the DPCI and it indicates salvage, I tap salvage, enter whatever quantity it is asking for and enter.

Pretty sure I'm royally messing up something because we seem to not have any of the merch im salvaging out.

I'm not sure. What is confusing me is where are you getting the dpci from. Normally I go into my day on my pricing day, click on pricing, click on all and then you see your salvage firsts furthers and finals. When I do salvage if I can't find it I enter 0 because, you know, I don't have it. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.
Best practice is: Enter the number you have.
‘However, if the system thinks you have 5 and you enter 4 - the extra one will STAY on list until you “find’ it and clear it.
‘Also, anything that you cannot find is shortage for the store.

By having you LIE to the system your ETL is :
1. Clearing the entire list. (Without taking the time to find everything )
2. making it LOOK like your salvage process has NO errors (100% accuracy - unless you find and salvage them later)
3. Avoiding a shortage count for the store (because you have everything ! - it thinks)
4. Cheating the buyer of the salvage pallet out of those items that they think are there (but I have been told no one verifies that).

with the massive amounts of salvage we process it’s probably the easiest way to stay current and may not really matter much.

I tend to do as I’m told - someone somewhere has a reason for it - even if it seems like cheating to us.
I key in what I actually have on hand, in front of me.

OH supposed to be 5, actual OH = 0.... I key in 0

Used to be final markdowns and salvage changed inventory levels.
😎. I see some stores are trying to cheat. So I’m glad to see you are fallowing best practice .