Archived Scheduled 6 Days?

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Jan 8, 2015
I just went online to check the schedule for the first week of Feb and it shows I am working 6 days as Cashier. At orientation I could have sworn the HR said we would get 5 days a week. Is this normal?
Back in the days of MAX scheduling (at least at my store), you could only be scheduled up to 5 days in a given week. You were allowed to work up to 6 days (either by picking up a shift from the shift swap or being called in) as long as it wouldn't result in you exceeding 40 hours, but when making the schedule, they would only give you up to 5 shifts.

As long as you're ok with it, you won't hit overtime, and you're not working more than 6 straight days, you should be fine.
I worked 7 straight days in a row once, with OT. 46 hours for that week. Probably won't ever happen again and I'm kind of glad -- that was a loong week.
They've been doing that to me the last couple of weeks. I've gotten the same two days off in a row for the past two weeks with out me going into OT. (Though, I didn't work one of the days I was scheduled this week. I gave it to someone whose hours had been cut back really bad 'cause I needed the rest.)
I see. Thanks for the quick replies :) I'm new to retail but I didn't know this occurred with TMs just TLs and above (except for around the holidays)
Normally they won't schedule you 6 days for the week, talk to your TL or HR if you are uncomfortable with it!
Wow. I'd kill for those hours...
I know, I have responsibilities at home that's why I don't want it to be a weekly thing, but i just saw from another thread that scheduling is weird the first week of Feb so I'm gonna wait to see what happens with the 2nd week of Feb. Also they give me shifts until close and then the next day opening so I go home to sleep and wake up for work which I've read happens a lot at Target. I know most of you are used to this but you get spoiled when you work outside of retail/food with schedules :p
Can't get 5 hours and many were told not to come in and only had like one short shift so many would love to have hours .
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