Archived Scheduled on day 91

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Oct 29, 2015
Does this mean I'm hired??

Kinda nervous, because i cant seem to get any real feedback from any of the GSTLs because they always seem to be rushing me off to a lane. Is this a good thing?
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Not necessarily but at least you're still there. They usually give their verdict of seasonal hires in early January. They will either keep you on or part ways with you.
I wasnt hired as seasonal, i was in the last group hired on before the seasonals started.
Then you're permanent. Quite frankly, I had no idea that there was a 90 probationary period. No one ever mentioned it to me, and I never had any type of review at 90 days. It was only through the board that I found out that I apparently was on probation, and that was after I had been at Spot for almost a year!
Quite frankly, I had no idea that there was a 90 probationary period. No one ever mentioned it to me, and I never had any type of review at 90 days.

Same here, except I was seasonal. All I got was an offer to stay on just before Christmas.
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