Archived Seasonal Flow

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I feel like I been doing pretty good, guys. What yall think? So far, now I been scheduled to work in electronics (that's what my schedule says) after I'm done working in flow. Sales floor down, now electronics?! Points! . Should I bring up training for cashier? Is it normal for target to do that to a seasonal flow team member? What you think from experience? I just don't want to get my hopes high that I will be kept permanently.
If you're working electronics and not just flow it would be good to know how to ring people up and make pulls from the back.
Whats Logistics? I keep forgetting to ask at work and I can't wait to ask. Could anyone help me out? Is Because my schedule says Logistics Training. I see Target as a tendency of scheduling people to different departments without talking to you about it until the day comes and your original assigned boss is lost to what is happening.
Hey guys, happy new years. I was told 2 weeks ago I was going to be kept. However, not in the flows department, but in the Sales Floor. I really want to thank whoever gave me the opportunity should I? Plus thanks to each and one of you, for the comments and answering my post.
Hey guys, happy new years. I was told 2 weeks ago I was going to be kept. However, not in the flows department, but in the Sales Floor. I really want to thank whoever gave me the opportunity should I? Plus thanks to each and one of you, for the comments and answering my post.

Hi guys, everything is going great except the hour cutting. No complaining though. could someone direct me or give me some of the definitions hard lines might use. For example whats the difference between cabs and pogs? I see them as any other normal pulls. Thanks In advance
Thanks for that. I have kind of an issue With my learning plan. I havent gotten the hours to complete it and is due on the 7th..but my HR said if she don't get it by tomorrow I won't be schedule for hours. I told her I havent been schedule..obviously she didn't Say nothing. What should I do? Any advice. by the way this is for Hard lines-sales floor and I haven't even seen the trainer.
On the pick label, there can be a few "indicators" that dictate what to do with the product. On the label, it will be near the "Ad 08/21" in the example. If there is a "P", it means it needs to be pushed out. If there is an "S", it means stage. "B" means it's backstock...and part of the backrooms metrics is making sure that all product that has a "B" indicator gets backstocked. Otherwise your team is being inefficient and taking stuff out to the floor when they don't have to. If your store is a "Push All" store, this is how you tell the difference between what you need to take to the floor and what stays in the back without scanning everything on the line.

With the change to myPerformance though, it could be that this isn't a key metric anymore. I haven't dived into the backroom metrics with myPerformance.

Typically your NOP product will have some kind of info on the pick label that will give you a bit of insight on what's going on with it. If it's on AD, it could be there will be staged off area on the floor...or it could be that the planogram isn't in the system yet, so there will be a T indicator(Transition) with the date letting you know when it will be set. But if it's NOP or D-Code at this point, been in your store for awhile, and it looks like there will be no space or planogram for it in the foreseeable future...mySupport it, and request a CLR markdown on it.

Hey guys, I just need a bit of advice. Today I called out 4 hours before my shift I called in at 10:24am and I started at 2:00pm I spoke with the LOD and let her know I wouldn't make it today (I don't feel well) I called out about 2 months ago when the rodes were icy however I called out literally at the last minute, but never did anyone afterwards approach me about that. And before that when I was a seasonal employee I spoke with an LOD a day before to let her know I wouldn't make it next day, she said alright it will be a called out. A few weeks ago I put up a shift and someone had written their name on it but the other day I signed a paper which because i got console first time ever. I did said I already had someone for that shift but they white out their name and never did they let me know. I understand it was my responsibility. I do have a Couple of sick days in my paystub, could I use that sick day for today? I really couldn't make it today and I feel like I could get fired and I don't want that to happen. Any advice? am I fine if I called out 4 hours before my shift? Should I use my sick day for today? Or what? Help please.
'@thunder20 - it doesn't seem like you have an attendance issue. Unless you are on a Final Warning for attendance - which you would know you were on because you would have been on a corrective action and then sign for the FW - you'll be fine. There isn't a pattern of poor attendance with what you provided. The process to term a TM for attendance (call-outs) is lengthy, it's NCNS that TMs should worry about.

It's up to you if you want to use a sick-day. That doesn't erase the call-out. And whether you call out well in advance or before 2 hours after your scheduled shift, a callout is a callout. Reason really doesn't matter as long as you call. Using a sick-day just means you want to get paid for the day you missed.

Summary: No worries and get well soon!

Advice: If you can, provide a doctor's note. At my store, absences with an attached doctor's note erased the call-out. We even had TMs produce fake notes and there was nothing HR could do about it. One of our TM's father was a doctor. He brought in too many fake notes from his dad. He was also a shit head TM, cocky, and frankly I didn't like him. So to counter his tomfoolery, I gave him the shitty shifts (every Friday-Sun) and he joined the rotation to unload the trucks. He also helped do pulls in the freezer. 3 weeks later he quit, but I missed his dramatic departure when he got on the PA system and said "F this place, I'm out". Wish I could have been there.
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Thanks for that Mhugh220.
Guys, what are the consequences of not meeting your Team Leads/LODS expectations? I've been leaving CAFs after my shift. The maximum I've left since I started in Hardlines has been 7. Since then they vary below 7. I know that's a lot right there. I've been trying my best to Leave Little to none. at the end of my shift I left 2. Last week i finished my shift and left without letting them know how many cafs there was left. I dont remember but it was a good amount to have gotten pull to the office the next day by tls significant other., but anyways todat My tl told me she didn't wanted to see none(cafs) after she gave me props for leaving the line pretty empty there were 7 cafs when she said that. She continued by telling me "oh you know what's next?" I don't know what's next I just reply by telling her if she wanted me to finish them. She said yes at least a market two tear CAF. I finished it and left a tub that I wasn't aware of because it was all the way at the end of the line but i did let her know. I've gone without taking a 15 minute break to try and do my best of finishing the CAFs before my shift ends which is usually a 4 hour shift. I'm doing my best to meet expectations. My question is, again. What are the consequences of not meeting the expectations Of my TL/LOD.
If your TL is a complete hardass, they can go the coaching, corrective action, etc. route, but they have to understand that you're only one person and can't perform a miracle. If you're spending a lot of time back-up cashing or whatever, obviously that's going to cut into your pushing time.
You shouldn't have any trouble pushing cafs. Especially in 5 hours. On Sundays, me, and another brtm and the etl log pull and push the autofills in 5 hours. If you didn't know, auto fills are about 5-6 times bigger than a caf fill group wise.

If your etls/tls don't like you, if could be problem in the future.
If I could get 5 hours, perfect. I usually always need just one more hour. But all I get is 4 hours. Still others might think it shouldnt be an issue, but it is if you have to help the guest, pick up calls, or back up in the front.
Autofills are done in the morning as well, before the store opens and when traffic isn't that heavy. Cafs are dropped midday when it's starting to pick up And nobody from the early morning teams is on the floor to help. 4 hours is not enough, especially on a weekend. 5 hours would be idea, and maybe an extra set of hands during your 5th hour if you can't do it.

Just think about it.. CAFS are pulled between 12-6.. if it takes them 6 hours (sometimes only one tm pulling after like 2) to pull, I can try to push it in 4 but you're setting me up for failure.

If you consistently push them in 4 or 5 hours there should be no reason for a good TL or LOD to coach you. My TLS would offer you an extra set of hands during your 4th hour if you weren't going to finish on time and say "tough day, huh?"
Exactly why should it take me 4 hours when they need 6 to put them all up and nice on the line. I brought my concern to my tl, about getting one extra hour. and she will definitely keep it mind, she told me. Im glad!
Now i do have another question, is taking too much time off bad? not that i do it regularly but i have taken time off a couple of times. and plan taking 4 days off
Now i do have another question, is taking too much time off bad? not that i do it regularly but i have taken time off a couple of times. and plan taking 4 days off
As long as your TL is ok with it (always run it by him first) and it keeps getting approved, it should be fine.

Although I do
love how MyTime tries to make me feel guilty about it. I work at most 40 hours a week, so if I ask for seven days off, it shouldn't tell me I'm taking 168 hours off!
I'm so over cafs!! I cant take it. My tl told me next time I'll be held accountable for it ( for leaving cafs) I got there today and there was a quite a few on the line(scheduled 2-6) I started working on em and whatever minute I waste on adding cafs to cafs it takes time I could use to push them (now the backroom member is using a thousand two tears,tubs and flats for small items that could be added on another caf from the same section) so now idk what is going to happen next week cuz I'll try my best but I'm pretty sure I'll leave some. Is cliché I know, but I can't move as fast as others. I'm obese I got asthma and is trigger by emotions, so if I try to do everything fast I'll eventually start coughing up a storm. I'm not putting that as an excuse but it is what it is. There have been 2-3 times I've stood until almost 9 because they're crazy even more when there are cafs from previous days and they're backed up and one of those time i got a meal compliance because one of the tls or manager or whatever he is didnt let me know. I just punched out cause i thought it wouldnt be an issue but it was. But now I'll have to wait until next week to find out what will happen. I am speaking with an lod about the issue. I'm not just relaxing takin it easy. I'm doing my best. But the harder I try the less and less I get done..
You are responsible for your own clocking out for meals, just ask your TL/LOD when you do (try to take it in your 5th hour of work). If you don't push all the batches, let someone know before you clock out. When I'm pushing HL batches and my time to clock out comes up, I radio the LOD to let them know how many batches are left and ask whether they want me to stay to finish or clock out. Communication is key!
I understand the responsibility part. now the communication key there is a loT!! And I'm always willing to stay but today there wasn't any hours and that's when I was told I will be held responsible to go home.
You are responsible for your own clocking out for meals, just ask your TL/LOD when you do (try to take it in your 5th hour of work). If you don't push all the batches, let someone know before you clock out. When I'm pushing HL batches and my time to clock out comes up, I radio the LOD to let them know how many batches are left and ask whether they want me to stay to finish or clock out. Communication is key!
Is it hard to get fired at Target after you been working for 6 months there? I know in some places employees can't fire you as easily as they could before you reach a certain type of months in there system, given that I read as a seasonal You have three months to prove yourself and then you go into three more months if you got the job permenently. I already reached that(Six months), not that I planned on getting fired but on my previous jobs I always knew no one could fire me so easily. I just want to be ready if anything happens I could back myself up.
Is it hard to get fired at Target after you been working for 6 months there? I know in some places employees can't fire you as easily as they could before you reach a certain type of months in there system, given that I read as a seasonal You have three months to prove yourself and then you go into three more months if you got the job permenently. I already reached that(Six months), not that I planned on getting fired but on my previous jobs I always knew no one could fire me so easily. I just want to be ready if anything happens I could back myself up.

After six to eight months sure it does take a little more paper work but I promise if they decide it's time for you to go even if you're not screwing up in any major way they will find enough stuff over the course of three or four months to get rid of you.
It's called performancing you out and it's not fun.
Usually people see the writing on the wall and bail before the end.
Some of us stick around until the bitter end.

There are some things that will get you fired dead stop, stealing, assault, straight up sexual harassment, that kind of thing.

Then there's the squeeze.
That's when they cut your hours to a point where you have to go find another job to make ends meet.

edit: you won't get fired for sealing but you will get fired for stealing. Man I need to stop writing these things before I've had my coffee.
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