Seasonal TM: If I Want to be Kept On...

Nov 11, 2020
Hey all, I was hired as a seasonal TM in SFS. I would absolutely love to be kept on, and have been working as usual, to my maximum effort and being present/early for shifts. My TL's and coworkers seem to love me, and I feel that I have a great bond with them and that I always get positive feedback from them. I also get similar, or even more, hours than even regular TM's get, which I am appreciative of for the money aspect. Should I tell someone I would love to be kept on after Christmas? If so, who?
I have to begin choosing who i will be keeping on this week in my store. We have had so many people leave or quit in my store i expect i will have to keep a few of my seasonals. However it is really going to depend on your stores needs. You can talk with your sfs tl or etl, but in reality i know already who i think have potential and who i am definitely keeping. Theres probably a few who i will have to make a tough decision on but im not exactly sure how many i need. I will say if you want to be kept on these next two weeks need to be make or break performance wise and even then it might not be enough.
Let your immediate leader know that you're interested & keep making yourself an asset.
Like: being on time (or early), be willing to come in early or stay later if needed, respond when they call even if the answer is 'no' (they'll appreciate the response), ask questions if unsure about anything, take breaks & lunches in a timely fashion, work hard, don't gossip & avoid politics.
And don't talk trash on social media, which is why this forum stresses anonymity.
My store will often keep sfs seasonals but they dont usually get to stay in sfs after December because our workload drops dramatically. Let your tl know you are willing to cross train, & dont complain on slower days when you get sent to work freight. Show up to work and don't call in. Even then sometimes we cant keep anyone, dont take it personal.
I just want to say tms that were good are usually kept but I have seen good ones let go.
We started working thru the list today - we'll try to keep the very best 5 or 6, then next best group goes elsewhere in GM, 3rd group to other teams, and the remainder will be let go. 1st and let go groups are easiest to identify.