Archived Seasonal

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Nov 17, 2011
i was just hired on as seasonal help...i'm really excited about getting the question is-What are the chances of seasonal help being hired on as a permanent tm after the holidays?

The reason I ask is because there were several of us that were told the same thing..."come in and work like your supposed to, be here when your supposed to and then at the end of the season we will keep you if there is an opening."

So i was just wondering if that was something we are just told to make us feel better about our jobs so we will stay and work for them throughout the entire holiday season or if there is actually some truth behind that.
Try not to call out and always do your best. That's really all they look for. Check with your ETL around January and they should be able to give you an answer, most likely yes. 🙂
It's probably 75% of being told that to make you feel better.

If you look on the openings board, you can see how many people the store is hiring that are non-seasonal. Base your expectations on that and you won't be disappointed. I was lucky enough to be carried over from seasonal to permanent but you have to work hard and by that I mean you have to show them you can go WAY beyond what is expected of you.

Here are some tips or Targiquete.
  • Under promise and over deliver; this one is so hard because they expect everything nowadays but if you can manage it...
  • Keep asking to go to different areas of the store and learn new things. They love that.
  • Don't be afraid to challenge them (Target talk for asking questions).
  • Try to learn new ways of doing things for them.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help with the workload. The single worst thing a new person can do is not tell them your progress. It just kills moral.
  • At our store it was a firing offense if you had your hand on the buzzer for more than five seconds.
It all depends on the openings they have available. If your store is about to remodel into a P-fresh, then you've got a good chance of being kept on after seasonal. Two years ago, we had a lot of openings due to a LOT of TMs putting in their two weeks before or during the 4th quarter, so we kept a majority of our seasonal hires... last year, there were probably only 2 or 3 seasonal hires kept. Just keep working as hard as you can, and if you aren't kept after the holidays are over, don't sweat it -- it's really nothing personal!
Thanks...I appreciate the pointers. I think I am going to enjoy working at Target. least I hope I am. I have read some really good things and then some not so good things in some forums on the internet. As long as the good out weighs the bad, I think I will be fine because I always give 110% to everything I do.
Thanks...I appreciate the pointers. I think I am going to enjoy working at Target. least I hope I am. I have read some really good things and then some not so good things in some forums on the internet. As long as the good out weighs the bad, I think I will be fine because I always give 110% to everything I do.
Knock'em flat! Dont call out & they may keep you! Be proactive! We will try to help you, just ask.
They're always looking for TMs to replace deadwood - TMs who call out a lot, NCNS, have cut their avail to virtually useless. If you stand out, they'll keep you & coach the deadwood out the door.
It all depends on the openings they have available. If your store is about to remodel into a P-fresh, then you've got a good chance of being kept on after seasonal. Two years ago, we had a lot of openings due to a LOT of TMs putting in their two weeks before or during the 4th quarter, so we kept a majority of our seasonal hires... last year, there were probably only 2 or 3 seasonal hires kept. Just keep working as hard as you can, and if you aren't kept after the holidays are over, don't sweat it -- it's really nothing personal!

I started as a seasonal cashier two years ago, and since then have become one of our most knowledgeable TMs (according to my SrTL), so here's my advice: Do your job, and do your job well. Show up on time, and avoid calling in. Learn as much as you can about other workcenters and the way processes work within the store and how they affect each team. Smile! And look like you're excited to help people, whether you're cashing, helping someone on the salesfloor, or even doing a carryout. Don't suck up to the TLs and ETLs, but be friendly towards them and get to know them. They're there to help you. Above all, ASK QUESTIONS. This shows that you care about your job, that you want to learn as much as you can, and that you aren't afraid to speak up. In my experience, the best seasonal people (and the ones most likely to stay_ are the ones that are constantly trying to learn and offering to help wherever they can.

Good luck!
Rumour has it that at our store, out of all the seasonal help hired, only about 3-5 might be made permanent.
Welcome to The Break Room! I was actually hired as seasonal a year ago and they kept me. I've heard that they won't be keeping as many TMs from seasonal this year as they have in the past, but if you can learn quickly and do your work fast and accurately, you'll leave a good impression. But you should also try to go above and beyond what the "book" says. Show your leadership that you can be an asset to your store, and you'll have a much better chance than the other TMs who are probably only there to work a few hours, collect a paycheck, and leave.

Which workcenter will you be in?
One thing I'll warn you about is you're starting a little bit late. This isn't a knock on you or anything, it's more of a knock on the system. Starting at this time is going to give them little time to decide if you are good or bad, so you do kind of need to wow them. Last year, I had 4 seasonal trainees. The first two I had were hired on, while the latter 2 (started week of Black Friday) were not.

I started out as a seasonal three years ago. I did always go in when they called me and asked to pick up extra shifts. I must have gotten in good, because I even arranged it where I could skip out on a couple days to go on a family vacation. I did get all but 2 hours of one shift covered, and they were apparently a-okay with that
They're always looking for TMs to replace deadwood - TMs who call out a lot, NCNS, have cut their avail to virtually useless. If you stand out, they'll keep you & coach the deadwood out the door.

Stop talking about me! LOLOLOL
If anyone was good we always kept them. Cashiers had it harder because we always seemed to have enough of them. I started as a seasonal employee and moved up to a TL
oh yea...i was hired on for logistics but i think for black Friday i am going to be up front as a cashier...but we will see.
oh yea...i was hired on for logistics but i think for black Friday i am going to be up front as a cashier...but we will see.

You and most of the rest of logistics.
It's been fun to watch the backroom team getting trained on register.
For that matter it's been fun to watch the guests, no matter how busy it is, try not to go to the teams registers.
You and most of the rest of logistics.
It's been fun to watch the backroom team getting trained on register.
For that matter it's been fun to watch the guests, no matter how busy it is, try not to go to the teams registers.

I'm surprised the extreme couponing entitlement b****es don't make a beeline for those cashiers. They always seem to go straight for the new cashiers.
I think they just want to avoid the huge guy with the tribal tats or the girl with purple hair and multiple piercings.
Not sure why but our back room staff (myself included) seem to run towards the non 'brand'.
I think they just want to avoid the huge guy with the tribal tats or the girl with purple hair and multiple piercings.
Not sure why but our back room staff (myself included) seem to run towards the non 'brand'.

Maybe because the guests rarely see them? That's how my store's overnight team is.
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