Archived seriously spot?

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Sep 20, 2011
Ok guys I have a confession I collect the target dogs, I own the crazy dog mittens and matching spot hat. Yes I wear them. I have target fleeces and a hoodie. I even have some of the target bags because I think there super cute. While I love to complain about target I love wearing advertisement for them, especially when walking into a Meijer or Wal-Mart. but this is too far and made me actually giggle.
commi i couldnt spell if my life depended on it....i own monopoly and yahtzee
also when i work overnight for resets or any crazy add preps and designer releases i wear bright red skinny jeans with my red shoes....just ask five he's laughed at me enough
They make a Target Monopoly?
/me pictures putting up signing on all three sections of hardlines so people driving the little shopping cart owe him more GTC cards.
haha yes they do! its a cute board game you can buy red and kaki palace, club wed, archer farms, different regions ect. you can be a shopping cart a little spot and other pieces. its pretty fun. my family plays it differently though. we play in teams and people can leave and come back to the game on different teams or chose to give away everything or partner up with another team to be a superteam.
rules are stupid
Lol, while I personally wouldn't wear an I <3 Target t-shirt, I think it's a little better than those dog gloves.
I only kept one - the rest I give away to kids in my store - with the parents approval

( if anyone here recognizes this behaviour -- keep your mouth shut - please

My puppy dog carries around a target dog (with one ear) and Guards it like it's his magic egg. I got it as a prize once, it got destroyed, so I got him a new one on eBay for $2.00
Did you see the picture in Red of the woman with shelves full of the target dogs?

And does Target still sell the brand monopoly game?
Did you see the picture in Red of the woman with shelves full of the target dogs?

And does Target still sell the brand monopoly game?

I couldn't find the Target Monopoly game on
I want that red shirt. Too bad I live in such a big town and none of the stores out of the 15 on the list is selling it.
I couldn't find the Target Monopoly game on
I want that red shirt. Too bad I live in such a big town and none of the stores out of the 15 on the list is selling it.
I bought it last year off the bulleye store I haven't seen it on there for a while
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