Archived Should I be worried?

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Oct 8, 2012
Beware! Long story ahead!
So, I just recently started working at Target I'm in my third week as a cashier and it was going pretty great. Until a few days ago...I was in the middle of my shift and I just got really hot and sweaty and nauseous. So I asked to go on my 15 minute break and I ran to the rest room and just puked (sorry tmi I know :/ ) so I thought I was fine after that until the feeling came back a little later so I again went to the restroom and had the same outcome. So my LOD asked if I was ok and I told him I kept getting really sick so he told me I should go home so I did. Went home ate something and I was fine...until the next day I was supposed to go in at 3:15pm and I woke with same feeling and realized I should to the ER so I called in at about 11 and told the LOD and he said ok thanks for the heads up. Now I'm just really worried that I'm gonna get fired seeing as how it's only like my third week and I've already had to leave early and call out before my 90 day review with target and no I was not brought on as a seasonal employee. I'm just really nervous to go in tomorrow and just wondering if I should be worried or am I overreacting?
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