Answered Should I work at a Target D.C?? (Few questions)

Sep 28, 2020
I applied at a Target distribution center about a week ago, and today I received an offer letter from them for I believe B1

what exactly is B1 department?

The thing that throws me off is that they didn’t even interview me before offering me a position.. It makes me think the turnover rate must be crazy high or they just don’t care...

I’m currently working at a another distribution center (not Amazon), the thing I hate most is the work life balance... They have us working M-F 7:30am-5:30pm (walk out the door at 6pm)

Would I be dealing with the same crazy amount of mandatory overtime at a Target DC ?

Is it true they only give us off one holiday a year?

What’s the turnover rate at most DC’s?

Will I be possibly let go after the holidays?

Is the production rate they expect manageable?
1. B1 is a shift (or key as we call them) not a department. There are 4 main shifts. The letter designates what days and the number whether its day or night. A = Sat-Mon for 3 12-hour shifts, B = Tues-Fri for 4 10-hour shifts. So B1 is so you'll be starting on the weekday morning shift. A2 would be weekends nights. You'd find out what department during orientation. Also don't get attached to your shift as that may change.

2. Depends on your building the time od the year etc. Mandatory is usually 1 additional shift. If it's really bad it can be 2. However you cannot choose nor be forced to work more than 60 hours in a week. Covid broke staffing so mandatory is likely for a while.

3. The DC is only closed for 1 holiday a year. You still earn vacation time and working a holiday gives you a enough time to take a day off somewhere else.

4. Once again it depends. Covid broke staffing and planning so up is down and down is up. Turnover some years is super low other years its stupidly high.

5. Depends if you were hired seasonal or full time and whether or not you perform well in your job. Seasonals are temporary but if you're good you'll probably get converted. Sometimes you get a small window where you're jobless and they convert you. Sometimes you just convert and let you know before your seasonal period is up.

6. Depends on your department and what you're use too. Outbound(shipping] is probably the most physically demanding. But even then once you get use to it its bad. There's days I miss loading trailers. You just gotta make the most of it.