Archived So target is so hardup for new hires that they give refferal bonuses now

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Jul 13, 2011
just heard that anyone we refer and stays on for 90 days gets us a $25 giftcard :wacko: maybe if they offered decent pay and hours people wouldnt quit in 4 days
In our store there was a time that the referral was for $50.00 for the person to stay past 90 days.
Oh, the poor soul trying to work with Spot had to write your name down on their application for this to count.
Sounds like a great way to ruin a friendship. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
I can't think of anyone I dislike enough to do this to....oh, wait......naaaaah!
I'm pretty sure this is a common thing, they only hype it up every so often. Haven't ever referred anyone, because most everyone I know... works at Target.
I'm pretty sure this is a common thing, they only hype it up every so often. Haven't ever referred anyone, because most everyone I know... works at Target.

I thought maybe it was only a few stores that were desperate, that's why I edited my post in this thread, I could see it being a trap. But this makes sense what you have said.
this rule pretty much applies all the time at our store... people been quitting like crazy recently though and they havent been hiring anyone... ive seen interviews going on but have yet to see some new faces... its kinda getting annoying because its hard for the floor team to keep up...
I could be biased considering I just left Target for a great job, but I honestly think the economy is improving.... lots of people will be moving on to better things in the next year or so.

I remember back in 2006-2007 before the recession started my store had to give out cash bonuses to TMs who referred other TMs.... it was a lot too.... like $50 a person.

They just hired last week a new playstation rep to handle another part of my city, and my boss told me when we had lunch today that this new guy quit today telling him that "this was too big of a step down for me". Guess what his qualifications were?

Associates degree in general studies
Associates of applied science degree in computer networking
Bachelor of science degree in criminal justice & business

Apparently all of those degree he graduated "with honors" from college, and he had a whole bunch of IT certifications on top of that. On top of that, he used to work for a law enforcement agency, but not as a cop. (and apparently he plans to go back to them)

They low balled him with $15/hour pay rate, and apparently he decided it wasn't worth it.

Basically my boss told me "the people above him" haven't realized that since the unemployment rate has dropped in our city they can't get away with that BS anymore and expect to hire people with college degrees.

So yea, when people start quitting jobs in a week over pay you know things are getting better....
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My last job offered 500 bucks if a referral stayed 6 months.

It is a common tactic in the business world.
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