Archived softlines brand team member??

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Nov 15, 2013
I was wondering a little bit about the position of softlines brand team member and the responsibilities and if it would be a pay raise and how much more I would make if I took the job, or would I just get the tittle and more hours?
fold clothes, stock clothes, pick up clothes off floor. Same pay as salesfloor prob and prob same hours.
I think brand TM is paygrade 05 (regular salesfloor is PG03) , but I'm not positive. If the position is posted at your store, it will say what paygrade it is.
Pretty sure eleuthreophile is correct, and it is N05 (so $0.25 over base pay). You'll also be responsible for doing a lot of sets and resets in your area, PTMs, etc. Kind of like volunteering to do Project Viper in a softlines area from what I can tell. We only have 1 softlines brand TM left who's dedicated to shoes, and from what I can see the others who have left haven't been replaced.
You'll also be responsible for doing a lot of sets and resets in your area, PTMs, etc. Kind of like volunteering to do Project Viper in a softlines area from what I can tell.

This. Instead of just zoning and working re-shop like every other softlines TM, you'll be responsible for maintaining the brand in your area. In shoes, for example, you would superzone, shoot research, flex if there are holes due to styles being discontinued (PTM), set your endcaps, make signs for displays, and even make new boxes for boxless shoes.
I would actually prefer that to how things are run now. There is no personal responsibility AT ALL and no one takes any pride in their work, so everything just goes to shit all. (We recently found out that a large percentage of our TMs don't know how to zone properly.) My only gripe is that it requires ELEVEN TMs. My store never has more than six TMs working at a time (1 cashier, 1 electronics, 1 GSA or GSTL, 1 softlines, and 1 hardlines).

Actually my second gripe is that you could be responsible for all that and still only be N03. That sort of responsibility should be AT LEAST N05 and probably N07 or N09.
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