Archived Spot Is Making Me Fat

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MasterBlaster (User has passed away)
Nov 20, 2014
Fish fry and tater salad yesterday...

Pizza Hut in the breakroom today...

How can I resist???
That's what they all say @ that other place.

So, when will I become disgruntled?
When will I hate my job?

Maybe never.

Who knows, you might be one of the lucky ones.
You might work at one of the good stores, you might have some of the good bosses, you might not need the same things other people do, your priorities may not be the same, you may not run into any bad situations, and you know what, I really hope that is the case.

Nobody wants to be disillusioned.
Nobody feels good about finding themselves in an untenable position.
What people really really don't want is to be told their feelings are wrong or some how exaggerated.
Are you sure your not my counselor in disguise? I get a lot of the same reassuring "vibe " (no pun intended) from him. It is amazing how far a little bit of empathy can go towards making this world a nicer place.

Hah! I just 're read my post! It sounds like one of those Coke " teach the world to sing commercials from the seventies. Sorry to sound so schmaltz, but by now you all are aware that I can be a bit dramatic.
Happy Sunday off and whatever religious holiday applies to all my friends at TBR
I would love to see how spending from the 549 account goes up around survey time. I bet it is double any other month. Pretty much like buying votes in an election. Oh wait, Spot is an ethical company, they would NEVER fudge numbers to make a report look good, RIGHT????
Nobody nowhere ever does.
We had "Orange you glad it's Saturday" with orange soda, Cuties, orange push pops, goldfish, & cheeseballs. Tomorrow there is a grill out to celebrate baseball opening day.
I can't gain weight as a cart attendant, pretty sure I lost a few lbs and I've only been there a week.
This always happens during Best Team Survey time. Feed them and they will like us on the survey. What about the last 10 months before this???
We always have something to eat in the breakroom. No TM @ my store go hungry!
Lucky! We rarely have food. Only times are 4th quarter (not every day) and BTS time. If my store's team was fed more often, they might be happier.
We always have something to eat in the breakroom. No TM @ my store go hungry!

My store seems like there is always food out. There's something at least twice a week, sometimes as many as 4 days of food. I like that the food days are noted in the monthly calendar in the break room. Makes it easier for me to figure out if/what I need to bring to eat.
At the very least, there are PB & J fixings.
We had a Pizza hut express I went to break on almost everyday. Should have made me fat but I have a crazy metabolism ._.
I wish I did. Just look @ my avatar!
Bring a team member actually got me a discount at a nearby gym, I'm working off the target lbs
I DO eat a lot of crap during my shifts. However, I walk at least 15,000 steps every shift. It almost balances out.
I stopped buying lunch at the store mainly because it was getting costly; by-product is that I started losing a few lbs.
Now, if I can avoid the QMOS pastries in the breakroom....
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