Archived Store Floorplans

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi there everyone, I just wanted to get some feedback on how Target decides each store layout will be when building or remodeling a store. At my store we opened in 2000 and were scheduled for a remodel back in 2009 but it was canceled. I'm told we're long overdue and that the floorplan used for our store isn't even used by Target anymore. Just to shed some light on the type of store I work at we are a D-volume ULV store with about 15 million in annual sales, our electronics department uses the U-shaped glass camera boat and we have just the green "Electronics" sign hanging above our area otherwise no other signing is present. We currently don't have a pharmacy(one of 3 stores in our district that doesn't from what I'm told) and we also aren't p-fresh or have a photo lab. Our typical aisles are 20 feet long not includng endcaps and my ETL-HR told me that a typical Target floorplan includes 24 ft aisles not including the endcaps. Am I describing everything correctly? j/w Also does anyone know how NOP product originates in the first place? I realize this is sorta off topic but do ULV stores typically have more NOP than larger say B or C volumes? j/w Thanks for reading and any input 🙂 Love the board and I know my store is so much better for the ideas and suggestions that come off of this board!!
I'm gonna take a wild guess that your remodel got canceled because ULV stores are a lower priority when it comes to remodels. Typical stores do have 24-ft aisles. I can't really tell you a whole lot about NOP though - all I know is that trading cards, magazines, and greeting cards are NOP because vendors handle them rather than the sales floor team.
I also work in an ULV store with 20ft aisles. I dont know for sure but i have theorized that we get more NOP since we dont have the extra 4ft sections that other stores have, and occasionally we will get the product that the larger stores get, but we do not have the appropriate plano for it. Therefore it stays in the backroom as NOP until it gets clearanced out in pulls. For the record, ULV doesnt meant you have 20ft aisles, it just refers to your sales volume. You can be an ULV store and have 24ft aisles. You can even be a B volume store with 20 ft aisles. Far and few, but they still exist.
For the record, ULV doesnt meant you have 20ft aisles, it just refers to your sales volume. You can be an ULV store and have 24ft aisles. You can even be a B volume store with 20 ft aisles. Far and few, but they still exist.

This. Store size and sales volume are not directly related.
Thanks all! Yeah that makes a lot of sense about ULVs being lowest priority because they=lowest sales. I was wondering too about our shorter aisles resulting in more NOP merch.
Thanks all! Yeah that makes a lot of sense about ULVs being lowest priority because they=lowest sales. I was wondering too about our shorter aisles resulting in more NOP merch.

More NOP merchandise is just a result of your poor sales. Planos are still setting at the exact same pace as a high volume store, but when an aisle goes mpg a few weeks before a reset, a high volume store sells down the d-coded merchandise before the new set.
if you can access the DC common drive on TGT's network there's a power point about remodels explaining exactly what criteria must be meet for a store to be remodeled as well as a different one with the floor plans of all the historical prototypes for stores. interesting stuff, not really important for me but it was a slow night.
if you can access the DC common drive on TGT's network there's a power point about remodels explaining exactly what criteria must be meet for a store to be remodeled as well as a different one with the floor plans of all the historical prototypes for stores. interesting stuff, not really important for me but it was a slow night.
Thanks! I will have to go check that out next time I'm on a comp 🙂 Would common drive be under workbench then? Jw We have been getting lots of comments from guests lately that we need a remodeling and new floor layout...I suspect its because a nearby B volume just went P-Fresh and many guests frequent both stores. We are a ULV but still get many requests to upgrade to a Super, we all know that will never happen..the population simply isn't in the local area.
We have had our remodel cancelled four times in five years and we opened in 1997.

We REALLY need a rewiring in our Electronics area, I was recently electrocuted while installing a TV.
We have had our remodel cancelled four times in five years and we opened in 1997.

We REALLY need a rewiring in our Electronics area, I was recently electrocuted while installing a TV.

the definition of electrocution is a fatal current shocking your body resulting in death...

More likely you were "shocked" installing a television, not electrocuted!

Sorry it's a pet peeve of mine.
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