Archived Strengths and Weaknesses

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Aug 6, 2014
What are they looking for in the bench interview when asking about strengths and weaknesses? I know they want the Target phrases I just can't remember what those four are and what they stand for.
One of them is Be Bold. Does anyone know the others and the definitions of each?

Thank youuuu!!
STAR interviews:
The answer to your question(s) are pretty simple. During your interview be honest and yourself. They will ask you 4-5 situational questions (total of 3 rounds I believe) just to see what type of leader you are. Remember to paint them a picture because what they are looking for in each question that you answer is to be outlined in the following way:

Situation - how does your answer relate to the question
Example: tell me about a time you had to make a tough decison
You - During college ect..... <--- you are painting them a picture so tehy can visually see your answer.
Task - what did you have to accomplish/what what was the issue or problem
Action - how did you solve this issue/what steps were taken.
Result - what was the final outcome.

Overall be upbeat. During the interview don't EVER put yourself down. Even with the famous questions "what is one think your previous supervisor would change or say that you need to work on." Turn the question about to something like: "One thing my past supervisor would stay that I can improve is sometimes I tend want to help out too much. If I see someone struggling I always try and offer assistance." Remember to turn a weakness into a strength (sorry I just got off work so if a lot does not make sense please don't blame me lol).
Thanks coolnite
they really don't care about the weaknesses outside you can identify something and you have a plan on it. this was one of my hardest things to come up with a good story. they want to see you know your weakness and want to hear how you're fixing it. maybe you're good at pointing out issues but it comes across wrong. so you're working on communication and empathizing with team members.

that said they don't verify things. so make shit up. juts make sure to form in a star response and you'll be good.
Ask your ETL-HR or STL if they still have a copy of the Leadership Exepctations sheet.
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