Archived Stupid Item Merge Why Dont You Give Me Backroom Locs!!

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Jul 13, 2011
No matter what computer i use i can never get backroom locs to pull up on the item merge, when i click the br loc button it gives me some stupid debug error, and then i have to key every stupid item on the list to see if its in the back. :angry2: anyone else have this problem?
No matter what computer i use i can never get backroom locs to pull up on the item merge, when i click the br loc button it gives me some stupid debug error, and then i have to key every stupid item on the list to see if its in the back. :angry2: anyone else have this problem?

Yes, quite often! It would occasionally work but I'm not quite sure why.
Make sure you enter the CURRENT date into the box, make sure your store number is formatted correctly, and after entering the store number I hit the Enter key to move to the next cell, that way the store number is registered in the cell. Some days nothing works and the debug error happens regardless of what you do.
It neverrrrrrr everrrr works. I just end up filling it in by hand. :[
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