Archived Summer POS software rollout

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Mr Quickart

Cart Magician turned GSTL
Jun 15, 2011
I noticed today in an old news to use, or whatever it's called, that there will be a new WIC produce option so that we can actually do produce WIC checks as WIC instead of gift card - mall certificate.

I guess my question is does anyone out there work at a store that already has this? If you do is it much different than processing the current WIC checks?

The timeline has the rollout finishing by the 14th.

Thanks, you guys rock as my "friend who works at a different target that tells me all ths stuff." 🙂
We have it at our store. When you go into K8 for extras it gives you 2 options-one for WIC food and one for WIC produce. If you do the produce option it asks you if the guest has the WIC identification (the little packet with their signature on it. Once you hit "yes" it asks you for the check #, start date, end date, and the produce amount. If the guest goes over, they pay the difference, if they are under they don't get change. The biggest issue for us has just been making sure the cashiers know to do it differently.
We have it at our store. When you go into K8 for extras it gives you 2 options-one for WIC food and one for WIC produce. If you do the produce option it asks you if the guest has the WIC identification (the little packet with their signature on it. Once you hit "yes" it asks you for the check #, start date, end date, and the produce amount. If the guest goes over, they pay the difference, if they are under they don't get change. The biggest issue for us has just been making sure the cashiers know to do it differently.

Wow, sounds complicated. At my store, K8 is "Foreign Money" (a.k.a. Canadian - I'm about a half hour or so away from the border).
We have it at our store. When you go into K8 for extras it gives you 2 options-one for WIC food and one for WIC produce. If you do the produce option it asks you if the guest has the WIC identification (the little packet with their signature on it. Once you hit "yes" it asks you for the check #, start date, end date, and the produce amount. If the guest goes over, they pay the difference, if they are under they don't get change. The biggest issue for us has just been making sure the cashiers know to do it differently.

That is how it is at my store too, been doing it for a couple of months now.

It's really easy. Get the WIC check, match it with the booklet, enter info and start scanning.
Thanks for the info! I just like the fact that we won't have to do it as mall certificate any more and that it will know what the limit is and automatically deduct it. Sounds like it will run smoother but I probably just screwed myself over saying that...
Yeah it's really simple. Just make sure you always match the check to the booklet. My gstl told me if they don't have the booklet we can't accept it.
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