Archived Swap shift question

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Apr 6, 2015
I signed up to cover part of someone's shift this evening. The LOD was nowhere to be found Wednesday night and then I totally forgot to have last night's LOD sign off on it today. The person whose shift I'm picking up wasn't around Wednesday or yesterday. Should I just show up today or should I call prior and find out if the original person just came into work?
I'd call or show up. If they don't show, you can say you signed up to cover part of the shift.
If it wasn't signed off by the LOD they would still be on the hook for it but if you show up, it would be less of a problem because they wouldn't have to call someone in.
@redeye58 I just wanted to tell you that I did call and LOD told me the original person didn't show up so I could come in and he'd clock me in early. I get there, get clocked in and set up, guess who I see? The original person. lol He actually got to leave early though because I was there. Thanks for your help again!
Any time.
It worked for you to pick up some hrs & you helped your store out when he didn't show up on time.
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