Archived Taking a photo of another TM

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Aug 21, 2017
Hi all, longtime lurker, 1st time poster. I've worked consumables for about a year and like the job. I recently came in on my day off to shop and while shopping came across a team member doing something pretty funny with another team member. I took a quick photo and sent it to a fellow friend who works at another target near me. My next shift I came in, I was talked to about it. I was told that the TMs that were photographed felt uncomfortable and that I could face disciplinary action. My question is this, what disciplinary action could I face? For 1, I was off the clock and it's no different then a guest doing it. 2nd, what rule would I be breaking? Thanks in advance for the replies and it's nice to be a member.

Doesn't matter if you were off the clock really. I don't know what Target store policies are on video or photography, but I'd recommend just deleting the photo and apologizing. Of course circumstances vary depending on the specifics of the situation, but assuming it wasn't explicit or something crazy like that, I don't see why this should be a big deal. Why didn't you just ask them what they meant? The situation should have been resolved when they talked to you in the first place.

Doesn't matter if you were off the clock really. I don't know what Target store policies are on video or photography, but I'd recommend just deleting the photo and apologizing. Of course circumstances vary depending on the specifics of the situation, but assuming it wasn't explicit or something crazy like that, I don't see why this should be a big deal. Why didn't you just ask them what they meant? The situation should have been resolved when they talked to you in the first place.

Thanks for the response! The photo was deleted and was never uploaded to social media, I apologized to the leader who spoke to me about it and said it wouldn't happen again. The reason I asked about the disciplinary action was because I was told that they needed to talk to HR about it and find out what they wanted to do about the situation and they weren't sure what kind of action would be taken. Unfortunately, the ETL-HR was off this past weekend so I won't find out until my next shift in 4 days.
I should also add that the photo I took wasn't provocative or of TMs I normally interact with. It was two Softlines TMs in accessories playing around with different hats while zoning.
You're probably fine. I expect you'll get a stern talking to at the most. Again, I have no idea what, or if, there's any specific policies on this...but your HR would have to be a major dick to "punish" you over a resolved issue. It's always worth apologizing to the TM too.
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You're probably fine. I expect you'll get a stern talking to at the most. Again, I have no idea what, or if, there's any specific policies on this...but your HR would have to be a major dick to "punish" you over a resolved issue. It's always worth apologizing to the TM too.

I'm hoping that is the case, I do plan on apologizing to the TMs when I see them again.
You were inside a target & that's private property, not a public area. You were aware of the pictures policy with the new social policy that all tm's had to sign off on, recently.
Unfortunately I haven't signed off on any new social policy. I did checkout the employee handbook when I got home after my shift, and found nothing about social media or pictures, aside from the policies regarding harassment.
I'm hoping that is the case, I do plan on apologizing to the TMs when I see them again.

Good! You're sort of at their mercy unfortunately, but having the original complainer feel better helps the situation, besides just being a nice thing to do.
Unfortunately I haven't signed off on any new social policy. I did checkout the employee handbook when I got home after my shift, and found nothing about social media or pictures, aside from the policies regarding harassment.
It is not in the handbook. I know the title had something about security/information. Lod, TL's, & hr were making sure that everyone read it.
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It is not in the handbook. I know the title had something about security/information.

I will take a look on workbench next time I work. Although I do feel like unless instructed to review a policy by a leader or HR, being held to said policy is a bit unfair.

I'm also wondering how this affects my chances of moving up in the company, as I do want to apply for a TL position soon.
It'd probably just be considering harassing if you continued it, so they gave you a coaching to resolve the issue.
I should also add that the photo I took wasn't provocative or of TMs I normally interact with. It was two Softlines TMs in accessories playing around with different hats while zoning.

Why would yo take and share a picture of people you are not close to? sounds like you deserve to get in some trouble for doing this.
Yes. It's a TERRIBLE thing to do!!!

You were inside a target & that's private property, not a public area. You were aware of the pictures policy with the new social policy that all tm's had to sign off on, recently.

Its private property open to the public, so it depends on if there's a sign. Or policy.

Why would yo take and share a picture of people you are not close to? sounds like you deserve to get in some trouble for doing this.

Dont be a dick
I would ask the subjects immediately after taking their picture if it's OK to distribute their photo.

By the way. I've noticed various guests and team members had their pictures taken and photos uploaded to Yelp.
I had team leaders try to do this to me and would post pictures of me on Snapchat. I was trying to be serious about my work and they would take a picture like it was funny for them. Those individuals thankfully aren't around me anymore. I don't mind a picture posted where it's mutually agreed to have a picture taken but otherwise no.
Tell the TM that snitched to stop being a whinny bitch. What is this, high school? Snitching because someone took a pic of you in public when you're being recorded every hour youre at work?
Tell the TM that snitched to stop being a whinny bitch. What is this, high school? Snitching because someone took a pic of you in public when you're being recorded every hour youre at work?

You have to make a policy that prepares for the worst

If a team member came to the fitting room and took pictures of minors it would be an issue. It's easier just to have a policy that says don't take pictures of people without their permission.

Hardlines master is also correct that the info security training says you are not allowed to take pics without permission. Everyone in the company is supposed to take the training but some only mention it at huddle or just key it since most of the rules are common sense.
I can see two sides to this. There are enough of us in my store who are friends outside of work and will on occasion post pics of us doing similar stuff like the picture the OP took (wearing funny hats while zoning, etc). We know enough that its all in good fun and we don't mind when one of us posts it.

That being said, there are many instances where people do not want their likenesses used or shared. Could be a personal security issue... remember - once that photo has been shared no one knows what can happen to it from there. There's a vast number of reasons that that person may have felt uncomfortable. All valid. I work as a director of a day camp and I have had parents that will not allow their kids likenesses to be used under any circumstances, and sometimes you have no choice but to comply with their wishes.

I have a strict rule I like to abide by that I do not share/post/tag anyone in photos unless I have permission by that person to do so, and that they have had the chance to see the photo before I do it. I also prefer not to be tagged in photos/statuses unless I have seen the photo.
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