Archived Target Has Made Moms Happy

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
Nice to see they figured this one out.

Nursing support group Breastfeeding Mama Talk posted the image on its Facebook page, where it received nearly 40,000 likes and was shared over 15,000 times. "This is why I love Target!!!" mom Laci Crawford commented. "Good work to them for getting it right and training their staff properly on this," added Hazel Ip.

A representative from Target confirmed to The Huffington Post that this is, in fact, the company's official policy. "At Target, we want all of our guests to feel comfortable shopping with us," she wrote in an email, adding, "Our breastfeeding policy, which applies to all stores, is just one of the ways in which we support our guests."

Target has received criticism in the past for the way its employees treated breastfeeding mothers. In 2011, a Texas mom organized a large-scale nurse-in at a local Target after she says she was "harassed" and humiliated" for breastfeeding her in baby in the store.

This public dissemination of the corporate policy serves as a reminder of how to treat nursing mothers in public and sets an example for other companies.
Well I didn't know this so now I can tell my wife to just whip her boobs out to feed our kid in Target whenever she pleases.
Well I didn't know this so now I can tell my wife to just whip her boobs out to feed our kid in Target whenever she pleases.
Except she wouldn't just "whip her boobs out," and that frame of thinking is where the derision arises on the subject. Most of the time, you can't even tell when a baby is breastfeeding. Most breastfeeding mamas are discrete about what they're doing. And I really wish the public in general would realize that feeding a baby (via the tits) is not a sexual thing. Stop seeing breasts as sexual objects only and this entire argument goes out the window. /soapbox

(Didn't mean to target you, Loki. I just hate when folks refer to breastfeeding as women "whipping their breasts out.")
Anyone who publicly breast feeds should neither be offended nor surprised when men, particularly younger ones, check them out.

It's rude to stare, but some people will. And these mothers who do it in public should know that.
It's rude to stare, but some people will. And these mothers who do it in public should know that.

Yes, it is rude. Yes, they should know that. However, I've seen cases where they do not. Can't have it both ways.
Its been policy for a couple years at least. There's a yearly reminder of the policy, where they suggest we offer them a fitting room for as long as they need it...

...I see quite a few use the patio displays to kick back and bf.
Yeh, in another thread I mentioned the mom nursing in a furniture display.
We get lots of mom nursing in the cafe but the majority use a blanket or drape; only a few openly bare the breast.
One who did complained when some tween-agers were ogling & snickering; everyone else just rolled their eyes.
Except she wouldn't just "whip her boobs out," and that frame of thinking is where the derision arises on the subject. Most of the time, you can't even tell when a baby is breastfeeding. Most breastfeeding mamas are discrete about what they're doing. And I really wish the public in general would realize that feeding a baby (via the tits) is not a sexual thing. Stop seeing breasts as sexual objects only and this entire argument goes out the window. /soapbox

(Didn't mean to target you, Loki. I just hate when folks refer to breastfeeding as women "whipping their breasts out.")
I was being sarcastic but it's cool.
I don't want to see it. I don't expose myself to others so I see it as the golden rule and reciprocating. You don't expose yourself so I won't expose myself. It's a win win.

Hahaha. I don't see it as sexual at all. It's gross. That shit should be private. How would these breastfeeding women like it if I raised my shirt up at Target and scratched or rubbed my hairy gut? Yeah, I don't think they would like it. Pump your boobs before you leave your house and put that milk in a bottle. Problem solved. But people don't want to do that because it's too much work and makes sense.
I don't want to see it. I don't expose myself to others so I see it as the golden rule and reciprocating. You don't expose yourself so I won't expose myself. It's a win win.

Hahaha. I don't see it as sexual at all. It's gross. That shit should be private. How would these breastfeeding women like it if I raised my shirt up at Target and scratched or rubbed my hairy gut? Yeah, I don't think they would like it. Pump your boobs before you leave your house and put that milk in a bottle. Problem solved. But people don't want to do that because it's too much work and makes sense.

Man. if you want to live in other countries you are going to have to pull your head out of the your upbringing.
In Europe breastfeeding is very common and if you were to make that suggestion you'd be considered some kind of religious nut.
It's only in America that we have such issues and I keep hoping we will get over our selves.
I just don't want to see it. You make it sound like I'm going to go up to the breastfeeding moms and slap them and tell them to stop showing their breasts. It annoys me but I tolerate it. When I was in college, I lived next door to a guy that would have sex with his girlfriend every night and he would slap her on the ass and she would moan and that happened pretty much every night for 2 semesters. It annoyed me but I tolerated it.

It's a manners thing. Some people still have manners. Others don't.
Not a prude. I just think breastfeeding is gross. You act like I've committed a crime, ROFL. Funny stuff.

It's my opinion and you disagree with it so of course it makes you mad.

When you are out in public, you have to realize that you're in public and not at your house. At your house, anything goes. When you're out in public, you have to be professional and have some manners and class.

I will not tell women to stop showing their legs because I have a leg fetish and that's that.
I will not tell women to stop showing their legs because I have a leg fetish and that's that.

So if you weren't sexualizing women's legs, you would tell them to cover those up too? Women are not objects, Jack.

You seem to be in the wrong century, Jack. There is nothing dirty about a woman feeding her baby. Your own dirty mind is at fault here, not the woman providing sustenance to her child.
As stated earlier, lots of things annoy me but I tolerate them because I want peace, not drama. BTW, the drama is on TNT.

Do you badger people in public because if they do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or offends you? Or do you have the attitude of "it sucks but I'm going to be the bigger person and just deal with it"? 99.95 percent of the time I just deal with it and accept defeat.

Making negative comments about women's legs to their faces is completely rude and not professional. I would avoid doing that.

So let me get this perpendicular(not saying straight because it could be considered offensive), my thoughts that are my private property and are inside my brain with Morgan Freeman or Megatron doing the narration must comply to your standards?
99.95 percent of the time I just deal with it and accept defeat.

Or you could just stop having shitty opinions.

Making negative comments about women's legs to their faces is completely rude and not professional. I would avoid doing that.

So, am I correct in assuming that you are stuck in the 18th century and actually believe women should cover their legs as well (unless their legs are sexy enough for you)? Because this sentence seems to suggest that.

So let me get this perpendicular(not saying straight because it could be considered offensive), my thoughts that are my private property and are inside my brain with Morgan Freeman or Megatron doing the narration must comply to your standards?

No. That's not what I'm suggesting. You are free to have your shitty thoughts, and others are free to point out how shitty those thoughts are. That's how this free speech thing works.
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