Archived Tattling

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Aug 28, 2014
I thought I'd start a thread about tattling. Where do you draw the line when reporting behaviors that break Target's rules? Specifically between behaviors not involving theft.

For example, you see someone pulling a flat instead of pushing. Or, you know someone takes long breaks. What do you do? Any stories?

I'll give one example. At my store, we are allowed to have our cell phones on the floor to help our guests. If I know people are texting, what do I do? I personally don't say anything.
I wouldn't really tattle unless it hurts me EDIT: or someone else (haven't had to yet). So sometimes I'll see softlines team members texting when I'm covering operator, but I really don't care since that isn't my business, their TLs and ETLs should be the ones stopping them. I also don't care about pulling vs pushing because I pull carts all the time, and I don't want to spend my breaks keeping tabs on how long everyone else is taking their break.
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IF someone is not doing there job and its making my job harder...I have no problem telling my tl, or etl. I don't do it to get the person in trouble...I do it to cover my own ass. Ie, if you have two people backstocking and one is goofing off...not as much is going to get done. So, if the etl walks back there ( and this has happened) and says why isn't all this Backstock done, there was two of you working on it . I am not going to work harder for someone else to slack off. Long breaks, txtng etc...doesn't really bother me...on that to each their own.
I think the use of the tattling is childish and misses the point.
If you have something important that you can't deal with yourself than it needs to be moved up the line.
Dreck like sexual or racial harassment and safety issues, once you've made your efforts to deal with them if the the person ignores you have to be reported.
There are simply issues that should not be excused and have to be handled by the bosses.
If my tl is so blind or unperceptive as to not know who works hard or doesn't, it's really not my judgment call to tell them. What do I say? Hey boss, Mary is lazy. Can't you see that? Jeesh, you're not a very good tl. Maybe I should tell your boss you can't lead a team. For me, if it doesn't involve outright theft, I mind my own business. I do my work. I pull my weight.

Dear Abby once wrote these rules:
1. Unless someone is hurt or bleeding, mind your own business.
2. If you're thinking of getting involved, see rule #1.
At least, i think it was attributed to her.
my etl wants us to write an email to him at the end of every shift to let him know who is not following rules.. I find it extremely childish and only put items in when tm's are blatantly not doing their jobs. He is coaching and corrective happy.
Have I mentioned I can't stand him? LOL - I am sure I have numerous times.
You know what they say.... "Snitches get stitches."
There's really no reason to say anything unless someone is legitimately doing something that could hurt themselves or someone else.
I normally try to deal with them myself first. I am a trainer for the salesfloor as well as market so I am well versed in policy. But for every new person or even older tm who will take direction or a gentle reminder there are a dozen who have always done it this way, or who think they know everything because they've done retail before or worked for another store and transferred.

Theft is straight to team lead. The team member that reached into my lpda holster and took my pda when I refused to give it to him since he refused to get his own went straight to the team lead. Otherwise I try to remind them of policy or ask if they know it and discuss the difference between what they did and what spot wants and why.
I normally try to deal with them myself first. I am a trainer for the salesfloor as well as market so I am well versed in policy. But for every new person or even older tm who will take direction or a gentle reminder there are a dozen who have always done it this way, or who think they know everything because they've done retail before or worked for another store and transferred.

Theft is straight to team lead. The team member that reached into my lpda holster and took my pda when I refused to give it to him since he refused to get his own went straight to the team lead. Otherwise I try to remind them of policy or ask if they know it and discuss the difference between what they did and what spot wants and why.
Yeahhhh no one touches my signed out equipment. Which is all of it
A huge reason I want to get out of softlines. We have some that suck. They are slow, lazy and/or find every excuse not to work. I'd rather work in a position where I rely on myself. I, as well as others have mentioned these poor workers and nothing gets done. So save yourself the trouble. Luckily, I'm trained all over, so I'm pulled throughout the store. If it's little things, let it go. If it's serious and is repetitive, speak to your TL.
I found out yesterday that the possible tattling culprit told on the electronics' team member also. And the elec tm is even less happy then me.

What's funny is that I wasn't even asking, talking, or discussing the subject. It came up casually on his part.

The guy tattling is not well liked for this.

I'd post what exactly happened, but the less details on here, the better.
If someone took a 20 min break, I would overlook it if I even noticed. The seasonal guy who took a break longer than my lunch? You better believe I told our TL.

Pulling vs pushing a flat? That's a retarded safety policy written by lawyers. There's a slight chance of hitting your ankle if you don't know how to keep it at arm's length while pulling. It's not one I ever enforced and will never report someone for breaking it.

Generally, if someone is consistently getting their work done I will overlook occasional little things like texting someone or tell them to keep that shit to a minimum. If their activities keep them from getting the job done in a timely fashion and nothing I say to them is working, I go to our TL about it so he can start watch it and document it.
I don't get paid to tattle. If someone isn't hurting anyone or harassment, then I don't care. If someone steals a candy bar, I don't care. If someone pulls a flat, I don't. Take a long lunch? I don't care.

My job isn't to snitch on people. That's what TL's are for
I tattled once because the entire electronics department consiatently takes 20 minute breaks or 40 minute meals
i'm front end. it annoys me people want to get water from starbucks/use the restroom before or after going on break. that's the purpose of the break. i have 0 issues people needing to use the restroom. i'm close off their lane if they let me know. breaks are scheduled so you have a chance to do those things. this is only because we have a set schedule to send people on breaks and while you going to do that takes 5 minutes, someone might hit a meal violation.

also you get the other side. you don't want to say anything. someone ALWAYS takes long breaks, the other people complain you let them slide. you're playing favorites.
Literally everyone at my store, TLs included, takes 20 min. breaks. A few people joke that they're "taking their 20."
Literally everyone at my store, TLs included, takes 20 min. breaks. A few people joke that they're "taking their 20."
I don't blame them. With what we're paid it doesn't really encourage one to follow the rules to the letter. Today I broke out my phone because I got so bored at photo. Haven't used it except for helping guests at work before. There is just nothing to do over there when the traffic dies down.
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