Archived TBR

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Oct 18, 2016
How is TBR discovered? I've spoken to only person whose been on TBR, no one else at my store has heard of it. I myself stumbled onto it accidentally.
I googled questions I had after my job offer and this website came up with a whole thread about it
Tried to answer some questions that Spot wouldn't, and found it through Google.

On another note, why exactly do some people think this site is bad? It's pretty helpful, all things considered.
A coworker mentioned it a few times and I eventually remembered the name long enough to look it up. Though there was another coworker who I get the feeling would have sooner or later told me about this place too.

Tried to answer some questions that Spot wouldn't, and found it through Google.

On another note, why exactly do some people think this site is bad? It's pretty helpful, all things considered.
Because why would you need an unofficial site when there's Workbench and your trainers and leadership to-ahahahahahahaha I can't finish this with a straight face.

But in all seriousness I guess this place is technically one ongoing discussion of stuff Target considers private info. Incredibly helpful, but still.
I was just googling something and it lead me to this site.
Someone hooked me after I bugged them with questions.
But in all seriousness I guess this place is technically one ongoing discussion of stuff Target considers private info. Incredibly helpful, but still.

Bingo, we leak all the secret sales, big changes, internal issues etc. You could learn a lot about Target being on here, that is good and bad.

We are here to teach, learn, vent, & support each other.
We are a team.

I was going to say I feel more connected to people here than the majority of people at my store. Love this place. YOU make Target
I had been called for my interview and wanted to prepare so I looked up a question that led me to this site!
May have just googled "target employee forums" so I could complain about idiotic guests to people who understand my struggle.
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