Archived Team member baffle report

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011

My ETL-Log told me today that this report has returned. I didn't get a chance to check.. Can anyone confirm this?

My ETL-Log told me today that this report has returned. I didn't get a chance to check.. Can anyone confirm this?

I heard it is coming back too! As long as it is accurately reporting errors (again, sometimes you can't really tell) then I am excited for it...
Dang, and just after I'm getting out of the backroom too; I wanted to see my pull totals.
So, what does this report show? How is it used?

It used to show how many items you pulled in a week (for CAFs and research) as well as how many errors you had.

It was removed when the summer software release introduced the backroom quantities. The system didn't know who specifically to blame for an error because it could have been the previous guy not counting correctly.
i really hope its fixed and steamlined. i really need it back. After myself and my team leaves, its up to the backroom room team to do my pulls in the coolers and freezer.. which is too cold for them so they rush through and dont do it correctly. drives me insane😡
its up to the backroom room team to do my pulls in the coolers and freezer.. which is too cold for them so they rush through and dont do it correctly.:

Too cold?! XD they should try spending an hour in the freezer every M W F backstocking the food load... until then, don't talk to me about too cold!
Too cold?! XD they should try spending an hour in the freezer every M W F backstocking the food load... until then, don't talk to me about too cold!

Given the problems we're having with our A/C, that sounds positively devine....:drool:
So back to my original question... 😛 anyone able to confirm its back?
Im sure ill find out tomorrow night when I go in, but my TL did inform us it was supposed to be back as of the 14th or 15th of this month.
Yep, its up and running, still the most pulls in the entire store, almost 1,000 and only one baffle, not bad. I strive for 100% though.
Yay ours was up too when I checked today! I'm at the top of the list with 1500 pulls and 2 baffles. 99.93%, ugh I'll get it to 100 this week. I didn't bother checking the previous reports because it took 2 straight minutes to load it.
Workbench > Store Performance > DTK > expand the Logistics/backroom tab and click Backroom Location Accuracy % > the report opens, then there's a link for other reports that's called "Team Member Location Accuracy"
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