Archived Team Member Numbers

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Jul 25, 2016
Is there any logic as to how TM#s are generated, or are they purely chronological? I know mine and others who were hired recently have ones that start in the upper 6s, while people who have been there longer have ones that start with 3s or 5s. Is it basically a tally of how many people have ever worked for Target since they put the system in place?

Also, what's the point of the two zeros at the beginning if they're never used?
Is there any logic as to how TM#s are generated, or are they purely chronological? I know mine and others who were hired recently have ones that start in the upper 6s, while people who have been there longer have ones that start with 3s or 5s. Is it basically a tally of how many people have ever worked for Target since they put the system in place?

Also, what's the point of the two zeros at the beginning if they're never used?
Leading numbers make for easier programs. The leading zeroes allow for growth without rewriting the program.

Yes chronological only.
There's already a 300,000 number difference between me and the people who were hired a month later. The turnover rate is insane. By the end of the summer, I bet new hires will be in the 7s.
AFAIK, it's chronological.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were certain "blocks" allocated to each region to allow for quicker assignment of numbers, rather than funneling all into a central system. When that block of numbers is used, they move to the next. Would explain why there can be such large discrepancies.
I like to give some of the old timers shit when they ask me to key in their discount at the register. I'm like "Daaammmnn that's a small number!"
We're in the upper 5 digit range at my grocery store job, and there are people in my store who still have 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Mine starts with a 6 as well, but mine is the upper 6s since I started in October of last year.
So, our number actually represents a numerical value of employees of Target? And if so, that must mean no two TM's have ever shared the same number?
I always thought that the leading number(minus the zero's) indicated which department you work in. I have 2 zero's then a 6 and i am hardlines hired in August 2015.
So, our number actually represents a numerical value of employees of Target? And if so, that must mean no two TM's have ever shared the same number?

Yep. I know someone that left and was later re-hired with the same team member number so in theory every number is unique to a person.
So, according to my number, nearly 65 million people have been Target employees?

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