Archived Teens who sit in the shopping cart basket.

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Jan 26, 2013
I often see this iny store. People my size (5'11) sitting in baskets being pushed buy their parents. I know everyone had their issues and you can't judge special needs based on outside looks but this is way to common for it to be a common issue like that. Sometimes I just wanna flip them out cart lol. At least the ones that stand up.
I just tell them that the cart isn't designed for that much weight and quickly walk away before they realize what I meant :rolleyes:
I don't care, as long as they aren't being a distraction or a hazard. If they want to sit in our dirty as fuck carts, that's on them. As long as they aren't using the Caroline's cart, or the electric carts, it's fine my me.

By the way, speaking of the Caroline's cart....I once saw a man using it to push around his pregnant wife. It was both funny and cute.
I see kids ( off topic) using the caroline's cart who are aren't disabled and they have the baby carts ( if they had a infant) they have the kids carts to use but the parents still push them around in them. It really bothers me because what if a child needed that cart but instead some parent is goofing around ( here's a good one) using it to put her clothes or other items where the seat is or I have seen teens goofing off on the electric carts that's a good one.
What's worse is when kids lay down under the cart and the parents have the nerve to push them around. One of the biggest hazards, one wrong turn and they snap their neck.

Or when the kids hang on to the cart from the side or from the front. Some parents just don't care
We have teenagers do that in my store, too. AP is always on their asses about it if they see it.

Does anyone notice, or maybe this is just my store, that the teenagers come in an hour before close and just run all over the toy section?
When you crash and hurt yourself we send the video to ridiculousness.

They do two thing get stupid and we boot them out or straighten up.
One time this group of college fuck boys took all the motorized carts and drove them around the store. I have no tolerance whatsoever for young, non-disabled people who use those things.
I also saw a girl using the Caroline's Cart as a chair while she was waiting for her friend to come out of the bathroom
What's worse is when kids lay down under the cart and the parents have the nerve to push them around. One of the biggest hazards, one wrong turn and they snap their neck.

Or get their fingers or hair caught in the wheels. "Cart surfing" is just a really bad idea.
We have teenagers do that in my store, too. AP is always on their asses about it if they see it.

Does anyone notice, or maybe this is just my store, that the teenagers come in an hour before close and just run all over the toy section?

actual representation of me finding my zone wrecked after i finished zoning it + the starbucks cup i found w it
Yep, like the little girl who used to have long hair before it got caught in a wheel.
We had to empty the cart, turn it upside down so we could reach the wheel before cutting a sizable hank of hair off.
She lost a few inches that day but I'm sure she looked cute in a pixie cut.
Yep, like the little girl who used to have long hair before it got caught in a wheel.
We had to empty the cart, turn it upside down so we could reach the wheel before cutting a sizable hank of hair off.
She lost a few inches that day but I'm sure she looked cute in a pixie cut.

The parents actually let the store employees cut the hair, we had to call EMS to do it, Mother would not let us touch her crotch dropping who stopped the entire store for 45min while they delt with her. EMS almost scalped that little girl.. No pixie cut was gonna fix how he chopped her hair..
as long as they aren't causing trouble or disrupting business I don't care. AP or the LOD can deal with it!
It still isn't acceptable. People need to know that it's not cute, or funny, or original to act like a fool everywhere you go. I had a teenage girl knock down my Ready to eat case by our POS because she was riding on the electric cart and thought it would be funny to drive around the lobby and saying "I don't know why I'm doing this, I can't drive it." As she giggled as if everyone was amused.
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